Lily Lily forced a slight smile. "I really hope one day we will have a home. Even if society thinks we are monsters," she said with a sigh. "I wish they saw us and not our mutations. Just because I have fur and am faster doesnt mean Im a monster," she huffed. "And your spots are so beautiful along with your rings. Why cant people just see we were used. We didnt choose this.." She muttered.
Keanu "Me to but if society deems us as monsters then isn't our chance of having a home slim?" The though of never having a home killed him inside. But he didn't show outwardly. " Your fur is pretty and yours my friend are mystical." He gave her smile as he said this.and besides some may accept us right? I mean some people run around wearing fake ears and tails the only difference with us is that's its real." A tad bit of optimism creeped inside of him at possibly living a normalish life.
Lily Lily brightened as much as she could. "Yeah you're right! People fake it all the time. We could pretend we are too!" She said looking excited now. "Keanu you are a genius!" She hugged him instinctively and pulled away quickly. "Sorry! I should have asked foist," she rambled talking at high speed. She sat there awkwardly for a moment. "I did it again. Got overly energetic," she said slumping.
Keanu He smiled at her excitement with a hint of joy in his. "Well I wouldn't call myself genius given what happened to us."He tilted his head to the side and stiffened when she hugged him. *Hug was that good or bad?* He thought to himself sitting there slightly dumbfounded. Some part of him hated it but the other found comfort in it. "Its fine."Was all said as he looked down at his hands. Twisting and pulling on his fingers was something he did when he was nervous or scared. Most of the time he doesn't really realize he's doing it.
Lily Lily saw him fiddling with his hands. "Hey are you okay?" She asked tentatively. "I know sometimes physical contact makes you anxious. I didn't think," she said apologeticly
Keanu He looked up at her sighed. "Ya I'm fine." Keanu stared at for minute trying to figure put what to say next. *Choose your words carefully or she might leave you and never come back. * He thought to himself. "You know I used to like hugs. I'm hungry are you hungry?" He asked as he stood up ready to find something to eat or maybe just get some fresh air. That he wanted to avoid the whole hug subject. Because with every word he said about a hug he could feel some part of him wanting to pull away.
Lily Lily looked concerned but sighed. "Sure lets see what we can find. Im down for a salad. You want some meat Im guessing?" She asked. She looked around. She knew they would probably have to leave the building. The only safe place they knew of which made her anxious. She tried not to shake thinking about it.
Keanu "Ya I guess so." He stretched then glanced over at her. "We don't have any money so we might have to steal something to eat." The building gave him a sense of security. Something he hadn't felt in a long time. Even though there was broken glass and beer bottles scattered all over the floor. It was homey enough for him. Keanu's tail flicked around every now and then when spoke especially at the thought of bloody meat. *New cravings nothing normal from here on out I guess.* He thought to himself while staring out one of the broken windows that was letting in a cool gust of air.
Lily Lily sighed. "Yay stealing," she said sarcastically with zero energy. "Well Im fast so it should be pretty easy," she remarked. "For you we may be able to hunt something instead of steal," she suggested thoughtfully. "We just gotta test that theory out I guess," she decided.
Keanu "Wait do you think there might be any farms nearby? I mean we could easily wait till nighfall if there is and steal what you need." He smiled slightly. "It would be safer compared to stealling from a store and a less chance of being caught by law enforcment people." His tail flicked with a hint of joy then stopped at the though of hunting. "Lily I don't even know how to hunt." Keanu started to twisting and pulling at his fingers while he thought *What if it's all instict. What if my new nature is only to kill and be alone?*