Emelote laughs as the Mask asks why she still fights. A gleam appears in her eyes and she replies,"Where would you be if there were no people like me? People like me give people like you jobs." A smirk rests on Emelote's face,"The Guild may be in dungeons, but that doesn't mean the spirit is dead." Emelote shrugs,"Besides, what's life without chaos. You have to have both, chaos and order. They balance each other." Emelote chuckles at the irritation, she loved irritating people. She especially loved irritating this Mask since he had been the main reason of the Guild's bust. "Besides, I still fight cause I have a grudge and I don't drop grudges easily."
Joshua paused for a few seconds in silence after hearing what she had to say, stopping right before he said something to reconsider. Instead he cleared his mind and cleared his throat before responding. "Where would the Masks be? I don't know... helping citizens with tasks that they may find difficult on their own... responding quickly to fires starting thanks to a tipped candle instead of a mad vandal... maybe even helping a little kid find a lost toy." The irritation was still in his voice despite his initial hesitation to clear it from his tone. "We aren't around to simply be upholders of the law; you can have simple town guards for that, but no... you and your friends have to go around stealing stuff and causing trouble for everyone else and make us clean up the messes and deal with the angry citizens. And of course you can't have the light without the dark; they define each other with being absent in one place, but you don't have to be so... combative about it. And you're talking to the wrong one about grudges: If I was so adamant about grudges, I wouldn't even be in Cille..." He suddenly stopped himself, not wanting to spill a personal event to a thief.
Emelote scoffs at the Mask's response, rolling her eyes as well. Helping citizens.. Well weren't they such great people. Emelote narrows her eyes at the Mask,"We cause trouble because it's in our blood. We cause trouble because it makes us feel belonged, and it helped us find a family." Emelote's eyes narrow more, the blue gaze turning golden slightly,"We do it combative because it marks us different." Emelote then smirks,"At least we don't kill." Then she notes that the Mask suddenly cut himself off, but she didn't really care. She was already over the conversation, but she wasn't going to be the first to turn and walk away.
Joshua stammered a bit at the part where the thieves didn't kill. He was sure that wasn't a true statement, but at the same time he couldn't think of a report ever showing that the Guild ever killed anyone. Instead he groaned and he looked at her with irritation. "You can hold yourself on such a high horse, but at the end of the day you are nothing more than a thief and an enemy of the law-abiding citizen of the town of Cille." His Mask pride was slowing a bit more now and he didn't even realize it yet. "It doesn't matter how far you or your friends will run off too, because at the end of the day you will be put behind bars. At least you can see your friend Ryan again..." He knew this was a dagger for her; he read a report about Ryan wanting someone that matched her description.
Emelote laughs,"I was never trying to put myself on a high horse. I was just stating facts." Emelote shrugs,"Perhaps so... But there is honor in being a thief as well." Emelote narrows her eyes at the Mask the golden gaze returning back to normal blue,"But that will be something you will never understand." Emelote chuckles,"Are you sure? I've been evading you very well many times, since we first met outside the tavern." Emelote smirks,"Who knew I could play an innocent bystander so well?" Anger flashed through Emelote at the mention of Ryan, however she keeps the emotion to herself. "And who's to say I'll be seeing Ryan soon?" Emelote was hoping to see Ryan and the rest of the Guild soon, but not because she would end up in jail... But because they would be out of jail.
Joshua was quiet once again when he heard Emelote say that last sentence. Maybe she was wanting to break him out sometime soon? It wasn't going to matter if he had his way. Without anything else ot say to her right now, he suddenly lunged at her, hoping that she wasn't going to be able to use magic at this time. She did look a little tired, so maybe she wouldn't, but Josuha was fully expecting to be blinded in response for this.
Emelote narrows her eyes at the Mask, she didn't like how he had no response. And sure enough, he lunged for her. Emelote's eyes flash gold, however she holds her magic back. Hand flashing out to hit the Mask square in the chest and knock him back. However, just in case that didn't work. Emelote's magic flared up a few seconds later, and she disappeared into the shadows. Reappearing a good few feet away from the Mask, glaring at him. "Really? You really thought that would work?" Emelote scoffs,"You should be glad you still have your sight." Emelote rolls her eyes, this is what I get for standing so close to a Mask.
Joshua stared at her, a mix of frustration and defiance burning in his eyes. "I'm bound to my oath thief, no matter if I wear my uniform or not.". He took a few steps forward, making it clear that he wasn't going to give up just yet. "We aren't going to be afraid of what may come to us; as long as we make sure law breakers are put behind bars, it will be worth it." (Shorther than usual, I know..)
Emelote holds the Mask's gaze, amused by the frustration and defiance in his eyes. "And I am bound to mine, guard." Emelote holds her ground, the slightest hints of gold in her eyes as a warning to the Mask that her magic was working perfectly fine and if he pushed it he would be sightless. "Except for the fact that the last Mask to try and bring me in lost his sight and failed his duty." Emelote narrows her eyes,"And last time I checked, he was no longer serving the Masks. That doesn't seem like making sure law breakers are put behind bars, and he seemed pretty afraid to me."
(All good, no worries)
Joshua's advanace faltered when he heard her boast about the Mask that was blinded. So it was her after all... add that to the list of things that she needed to be brought in for. But there was a major problem; her eyes were glowing, and they weren't before she used her magic, and now that they were glowing again, does that mean that she would actually be able to blind him? He wanted to say something... anything at all to try to make her surrender and give up, but there was nothing that came to mind, so instead he sighed and looked at her with dulled intensity in his eyes. "You may think you can use your magic to get away every time... but at some point your luck will run out, and I'll make sure the key is thrown away when you're finally behind bars." With that, he walked away, knowing there was no point in continuing the conversation. He felt like he was doing the Masks a great disservice, but at the same time, he also felt like there was a third pair of eyes watching him as he walked away, a feeling that quickly evaporated.