The leader flicked his tail. -- Zodiac sighed. -- Fox gave the nightmare water dragon a fish for bring her to the cave and then gave him another one for saving her. she watched the dragon fly away as she stayed there.
"Deer." Char whimpered "Please wake up." He curled his body around Deer as much as he could and started to groom his friend
Deer shifted back into a wolf. She blinked, opening her eyea. "We attacked a wolf and the fire dragon tamer and got These kits, and I think they can be shadowized." Wildcat said. halfmask smiled, waiting for the leaders response.
Char made a happy rumble sound in his throaght "Deer. It is so good to see you. I missed you."
Mack froze. Shadowized? What does that mean?
Deer smiled, nuzzling him back. "Le--lets go back," She croaked. badger snarled. Wildcat pointed to badger. "That ones a good fighter, I can tell. He kept injuring himself by throwing himself against the cage and clawing the cage," wildcat said. Dark smiled. "This one will make a good guard.. Or maybe a hunter," He said, indicating Mack.
Who is the dragon tamer? Because I want to be one as well.) Char smiled and nodded leading Deer back
Mack stared at Dark. He growled softly but not loud enough for anyone to hear.
Name:Thorn Age:3 Gender:Female Personality:Great fighter and is very firece Appearance: Power:Fighting skills
(fox, dawns character and Dawn specifically said there was only one) Edited at September 24, 2020 04:04 PM by Blizz the Bi ceWing