Zodiac smiled. "At least now any dragon near by would know to back off." how nightmare frie dragons warn other dragon earby to back off cause they are very very mean and overprotective of whats hers. including the females the femlaes would kill any dragon near whats theres. the fireblast make it so then dragong know where they are and to stay away from there. -- Winger, summer and crystal stayed asleep. -- Glitchttrap walked past halfmask again muttering something but the only words that were ehard were. "Oh i am stuipd its just a female nightmare fire dragon tell all the dragons in the area to back off." she was sad since she thought it was Zodiac
halfmask pitied Glitchtale, but was a shadow Tribe member though.
Glitchtale used to be in the sun tribe but since that tribe died off she is the last remaining member of it so she joined the shadow tribe without any choice since she thought al of the other tribes haated her old tribe -- Zodiac flicked her tail.
halfmask heard and officer from the light Tribe talk in his microchip. that's glitchtale, one of zodiacs former friends. They got attached to each other. Info on her: _________________ _______ _____ halfmask nodded, Then turned the microchip off again.
Glitchtale flicked her tail. she stayed in the tribe knowing it would be a death sentance for leaving cause of the nightmare fire dragon -- Zodiac looked at the slowly setting sun
halfmask looked atvthe horizon. (already setting?!? It was just morning then) Fin flicked hisvtail.
ok) Glitchtale sighs. "I wanna leave the camp but i also don;'t want to die from a female nightmarre fire dragon. wait i have i idea about what to do." she went to the leaders cave smiling -- zodiac woke winger, summer, and crystal up. "Come on little ones." -- all three of them yawn "Once we get threr can we sleep more?"
Fin popped up from thewater. He yawned, flapping his wings, airborne. He Then floated in the air.
halfmask yawned again, licking his pelt with his rough, raspy tongue, picking up tufts of white and black Fur.
Zodiac nodded her head. she put summer crystal and winger on her back and she flew upwards wtih them. "Lets go." -- the leader looked at Glitchtale. "So your telling me that tghere is a female nightmare fire dragon out there and you want to catch it in order to have it help us in attacking the other tribes." -- glitchtale nodded her head. -- winger summer and crystal slept on zodiacs back