Zodiac flew to2wards the valley. she knew how long the trip would be. -- summer and crystal smiled as they said. "I can't believe it takes two days to get there then two days back but yet we are being there for 3 to learn something." -- winger smiled. "Alright this is the frist family trip we had but whats better is that my friend is here with me as well
Fin nodded. He's never been with a group this large who wasn't mean to him.
Winger smiled happily. -- zodiac looked at them smiling. "You know Fin can be apart of our family if you guys want him to be and if he does as well." -- summer and crystal look at zodiac. "But everyone would hate him more cause of your type of dragon that is the only one in this whole world though." crystal smiled. "But people are scared of her since she can have any powers of the dagon she changes into to so she could proetct anyone.:"
Fin overheard them. He sighed, turning away. He spoke up, "I've always never had a family, my family was killed by tiger furies, and the tiger furies said that they killed their kind, but i don't know. No one waa ever nice to me, and in school, until Winger came along." He smiled at Winger.
Winger smiled. "Well then will you accpet my invite to my family?" he smiled. "In this family we care about each other and we protect each other." -- summer and crystal looked hopful. -- zodiac was listening to them.
Gabriel ran through the forest in his cat form. He leapt over fallen tree trunks and bounded through a small, deserted, cave. I'm late for school! Like, really late! He ran faster. Gabriel wasn't even sure if he was going the right way. Am i lost? Gabriel felt relief wash over him as he saw the school in the distance. He ran out of the forest and ran to the school entrance, stopping to catch his breath.
Fin smiled, nodding. Paradox smiled, then she spotted Gabriel. (Schools.. Closed? Lol)
Apollo lay curled up in his nest. He closed his eyes, his face having a contented smile. Time dragons were always reborn, and his ancestors knew paradoxs family, thats why he took care of her when her adoptive parents died. Apollo thought about his past lives, and fell into a deep sleep, or death.
Winger smiled happily. "Then welcome." -- summer and crystal felw closer to them. "Wow we have another brother." -- Zodiac smiled. "Yep now don't cowrd him he m ight want some space. " she saw that the sky was slowly getting dark. "Huh well little ones we will land for now pausing our trip cause it looks like its about to become nighttime
Fin smiled, nodding. He looked at the sky, stopping mid-flight. Knight was in a secret place only he knew. He typed in the code, the boulder moving away from the entrance. He krept in. This was were he kept all his scrolls on his ancestry. He took a ancient, burnt, slightly ripped scroll named The History of the Shadow Tribe.