(Ok and i like how i said only zodiac knows the secrets and the way to the valley meanwhile you made your character find a way there in a matter of seconds when it is a 2 day trip there and back) Zodiac looked at fin. "So you do want to come with us." -- Winger flicked his tail before sighing. "Shine i want you to take care of the pack while i am gone ok?" he gave her a mark that would make her as a stand in alpha so she would have full control over the pack and he could take the masrk away at any time. -- Shine smiled. "Ok i promise i will." -- crystal and summer sigh. "Lets go tell someone fin is coming with us then can we go." the smiled at zodiac when they saw her nod hher head Edited at September 19, 2020 01:55 PM by Dusk Till Dawn
Oops lol sorry ignore that) Fin smiled, nodding. Knight also had a secret about the Shadow Tribe. The SwordWings all had this secret embedded into their lives. Knight turned to Dauntless. "I'm going to head out, take care," He murmured softly. Dauntless nodded, curling up, falling asleep. Paradox read about an article in the Dark Magic and Its Users called SwordWings. Wait.. Aren't Dauntless and Knight SwordWings? she thought. She read; SwordWings were created when some Shadow Tribe members rebelled against them. They didn't want to use their powers, so they created armour and weapons to fight. They were mostly eradicated, but few survived, and they left the Tribe alone, for now. They thrived, until the Tribe began to make attacks against them. It was said that huge monsters were summoned by the Shadow Tribe to kill every last descendant of the SwordWing that led the rebellion, Sharp. King Sharp, king of the SwordWings fell due to one of the monsters. Every single descendant was killed, but rumour is it that one or two survived. Paradox gasped in horror. Knight and Dauntless are descendants of dark users! Edited at September 19, 2020 03:23 PM by B l i z z a r d
Winger smiled then he looked at fin. "Come on." -- Zodiac lead them she was trying to find paradox to tell her that she was also taking fin along with. she was also hoping that Paradox doesn;'t figure out why she was still keeping her normal dramillion form. -- Summer and crystal were tslking while flying Edited at September 19, 2020 03:25 PM by Dusk Till Dawn
Fin smiled, following Winger. Paradox put the scroll down, closing it. She walked out of the library, out of the school. She closed her eyes. I'm going to visit Apollo. She walked towards Apollos den in the forest.
Zodiac saw Paradox eixt the school. "Wait mom." she walked over to her." -- summer winger and crystal followed
Paradox turned to Zodiac. "YES?" (oops caps) Edited at September 19, 2020 03:31 PM by B l i z z a r d
(Wow) Zodiac smiled. "Is it ok if we take fin with us."
Paradox looked at fin for a second, and nodded. Fin smiled.
Zodiac smiled. "Ok thanks lets go everyone." she flew upwards waiting as sumer crsyatl and winger flew up with her. she looked at fin wondering if he could fly
Paradox nodded, watching them go. Fin followed.