KarazNo! It is the dominant fault for not watching him. He picked up the cubs broken body and began to carry it back to the pride camp.
Nagasi The lioness noticed Tara and sighed, slowly padding over towards her. Im sorry.
Tara/ Chaos Pride
Tara didnt look at Nagasi. She looked down and sighed. "You didnt even look for me" she said, her voice cracking. It wasnt hard to tell the cub was sad and upset.
bubbletea said: Mansa"Yes and it seems you just can't keep yourself off of me!" He grinned and licked her cheek. "I'm impossible to ignore!"
Pandora Pandora rolled her eyes again. "Only because you make such a scene" she said, her neon green eyes gleeming. "Though, to be fair, if you didnt make such a scene I would have probably left by now."
NagasiI tried too... but Chaos ordered me to stay back and hunt. However it never even happened. She frowned, blue eyes staring deeply at her cub. The mother laid down, wrapping her tail around her daughter
(Chaos had Ivy lead the hunt and took the others with them)
He huffed lightly ad he looked around at their kills and nodded happily, the antelope were still running but they had taken down atleast two which would feed several of them. With the numbers in their pride a third would definately be welcomed but they could manage on 2. He looked yo ivy, ready to start dragging their kills back. His eyes also searched for Astrid.
Ivy/Chaos Pride, lioness 1
Ivy felt it was enough of hunting, by the look of Nanuk's face. 'Hunting may stop', she announced, 'Drag your prey back to the den or at least help with the dragging'. Ivy grasped at the antelope and pulled. She was happy they at least caught something. Maybe she will get more respect after this hunt?
Nanuk nodded and helped grab at one of the antelope, beginning to drag it along. He would have to groom hinself once they were done, his maw and paws had blood covering them and his mouth was sticky with it, only making him more hungry but he continued to pull.
Chaos & Astrid/ Chaos Pride
Astrid smiled at Nanuk. She was proud at the catch they had helped contribute to. Ivy had done a remarkable job for her first time leading a hunt. Astrid hoped she could do half as well, when her turn came. Chaos looked at the prey approvingly. Yes they could have caught more, but this was a good amount. He trotted over to one of the antelope carcasses.
Chaos and Astrid worked together to drag some of the prey. Chaos could taste the blood trickle into his mouth. His mouth suddenly seemed very dry, and he was very hungry. Astrid enjoyed the smell of the meat. It would be nice to have some food around the camp again.
Chaos looked around and noticed that Nagasi hadn't joined them for the hunt. If she didn't find her daughter, he would punish her. He would have to ask another lioness for a good way to punish her. All his punishments would not only harm her, but it would hurt the pride too. He decided that she would at least eat last. It wasn't the worst punishment, but it was something.
Tara/ Chaos Pride
Tara didnt look at Nagasi. "You didn't even try to argue with him to find me. Ajihad had to come find me. All because you didn't want to hunt with the others anyway." She stepped away from Nagasi and sighed as she kept looking away from her mother.