Pandora Pandora kept her midnight fur poofed up, but made no move to attack him. How on earth did lionesses deal with lions? Mansa was OK, if not a little flirty, but most males were damanding at most, atleast, from who she had met.
MansaThe male sighed and turned to the black female. Thats a pity. I quite like the company of cubs. Perhaps you and I could make that a lasting reality. He grinned and Pandora with a wink, brushing up against the lovely lioness.
The male growled at rhe Hyenas, clearly outnumbered. It wasn't long before they retreated, clearly not wanting a fight. He sent one large roar before turning to karaz. "they must've outnumbered him" he explained in a sorrowful voice.
Pandora Pandora rolled her eyes. WHEN woud this lion stop being so flirty? she had a feeling that he would never stop. "Perhaps you could chill" she snapped, sitting down and putting her tail around her feet.
Ajihad/Chaos Pride
Ajihad gave Tara a strained smile. "Of course. As long as I'm in the pride, someone will look for you," he tried to reassure her. He snuck a look over his shoulder. It seemed that the two nomads were content with him leaving. He was relieved, "Can you walk faster? I want to get back soon."
Tara/ Chaos Pride
Tara looked at Ajihad. "Can I ride on your back? My legs arent as long as yours" she said. She was trying to walk faster, but her legs were sore from all the running she had done.
Ajihad/Chaos Pride
Ajihad gave her an apologetic grin, "Sorry. I'm not used to taking care of cubs. I didn't think about that." He bent down, and waited for her to climb on. Once she was on he stood back up, "You impressed me how far you were able to run. Why did you run so far away?" he asked. He continued on at a faster pace. He hoped Amara was safe.
Tara/ Chaos Pride
Tara carefully dug her claws into his mane to hold onto him. "I didnt mean to" she said. "I stopped for a little bit, but a scary looking male made me run again. I didnt know where I was going and I got lost." She was crouched down on Ajihad as she looked around. She tried to remember this direction if she accidentally went this far again, though she doubted her mother would even let her leave camp after this.
Amara/ Chaos Pride
Amara sighed as she ended up falling asleep. She had grown tired, and with Indigo watching the cub(s), it didnt seem necessary to stay awake, though knew Indigo would wake her up it it was needed.
Kira/ Chaos pride
Kira had tried to run after a smaller gazelle, but she ended up stumbling and fell from her shoulder. She lowered her ears and looked down as she felt defeated.
Her eye widened as he yelped, her eyes darted to his paw and she pulls dher face closer, licking the wound to try and take the pain away a bit. "I did, alot when I was your age" she giggled lightly. "I'm indigo, the Queen of chaos pride" she introduced herself.
MansaThe male frowned and nuzzled Pandora. "Why the long face?" He asked, mimicking her expression. "I only meant to tease you a bit..." His tone was genuine and caring.