
This is for the Alliance, Talentos. If you aren't a part of the alliance, do not post. If you would like to join, PM 296736

I'm going to request that people start chatting on here lol It's a bit barren... Also, I've decided that instead of mass mail, anouncments etc are going HERE! So I can keep track of them cuae me memory is bad ^^"

Ok, sorry I asked for a forum and then forgot to post xD
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Hello :) I'm kinda new to the breeding talents whole thing. Most of the time pups are way lower on talents than both parents lol, especially after the talent nerf. But I'll try my best

Hellow Haunted Nights! Welcome to the Talentos alliance :) I can help with your talents if you'd like, just shoot me a PM ^^

Akulet, you're fine! I didn't think of it so thank you :)

Hello, also if you need help let me know, I am a little obsessed with talents.
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I guess that doesn't need to be said though, we are all here lol
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Same. I'm obsessed with explore and battling but with no luck on talents heh

Also forgot to thank you, Auklet, your wolves always saving my a$$ in explore! :D