
Hello and welcome! Everyone here is a crazy plant person, just like you! This is where you can show off you plants, brag about how many plants you have, and just share plant tips! No join form, you can just post away ^^

Plantsss I have one that has insanely soft furry leaves And an army of cacti And also an extensive herb garben And... Yeah I am a crazy plant person .-.

Ah, sounds interesting! I have three different colors of wandering jew, a jade plant, 5 air plants, 3 fuzzy succulents, and a crap load of succulent cuttings XD Do you have any names for them? :o

Um I have a succulent kinda guy His name is Bob And then my really old sage plant is Sergeant Sage And then my olive tree's name is Isaiah, because. I may have others but not that I can recall now~

Oh yeah then a Venus Flytrap named Snappy, or something like that, and a Sundew named Sticky.



I've got Jerry the jade plant, Hairy the air plant, Larry the thimble cactus, and Oleg another air plant XD And yes its Hairy, not Harry

I have a friend in Ukraine named Oleg, and, funny story, he loves air plants. Another funny story, I HAVE A CACTUS NAMES HARRY Harry and Larry forever!!

Lol! I think I had some other names too, but I forgot XD