Most Recent Mass Communications (From Oldest to Newest)
(Slightly Paraphrased)

So first, thank you to everyone that wrote a review for the Curiosees! It was both informative and touching so I very much appreciate your time. I'll summarize the general trend amongst the reviews before moving on to the more specific comments.
Some trends:
First, it seems that everyone would like a higher dominance requirement. While the new dominance suggestion ranged from 300 to 3000, 500 seemed to be the general consensus. Going off that I'll be raising the minimum dominance to 500 today (or tomorrow). I'm not sure how long this will take for each pack so for now, the due date to have above 500 by is Halloween (10/31).
Second, this time based off the poll, people seem to really want more members. We're ranging from 110 to 150, with 150 being the most popular and a few reviews mentioned that they'd like more members as well. I did some math (averages and whatnot) and got 138. Since that's not possible, I'll be increasing the member space by 40 making our total member number 140.
Third, people have pointed out that because we are such a large alliance, while we are very warm and welcoming, it's difficult to get to know each other more closely. Not only so, but people would like to get to know me a bit more. This is the one that I'm having the most trouble coming up with some solutions but here are some I have so far that'll I'll start implementing.
1) Personal PMs : I'll pretty much be PMing every member of the alliance once per month just to check in and have a chat :) I figure this'll be a good way for members to get to know me and for some of the more shy members to have an easier way to talk to me. I realize this is a rather... difficult thing to do with 90+ members but we won't know until we try!
2) [Ended up not doing so got rid of it to prevent misinformation]
3) Alliance Communication (More details below)
Fourth, more contests! Says everyone so that's what will happen as long as I have the finances available. Hopefully we'll be having more Curiosee theme contests as well as just new contests in general.
Alrighty, now onto the more specific comments! (Told you this would be long)
First, a few people have mentioned that the alliance bio was a bit lengthy. So I'll just be trimming it down by moving the alliance bio to the alliance forum. Simple fix!
Second, a few of you have poked at me saying I need to be more selfish... Uh... I don't know the solution to that one so I'll be putting this one aside...
Third, a good chunk of you want more alliance communications that are more chill. Meaning, a joke or getting to know a member/me, things along those lines. I guess it means more alliance communications from me ^^
If I'm sending information on another pack, you will get a PM from me asking for your permission as well as asking if you have any specific fun facts you'd like to put.
Fourth, I've been told that the AvA contest is too difficult. I'll be tweaking the number of wins to accommodate those comments.

Since we have 140 member spaces, we'll be hosting a recruitment contest! As was the case last time, 1st Place = 300 mush, 2nd Place = 200 mush, 3rd Place = 100 mush, Participation = 50 mush
NOTE: When the person you've recruited is applying, they must have your name on there or I can't tally how many people you recruited :')
Deadline = Whenever we cap xD
And I forgot to mention last time, I've created a new google form (anonymous) where you can submit your review on new things in the Curiosees such as my check-ins, dominance raises, new contests etc. Alongside this, the original Curiosee Review Form will continue to be open so if your opinion ever changes or if you wanna fill it out again with a new review, please go right ahead!

First, Alliance Officer elections are long due (lowkey overworked your current ones cause I forgot to re-host le elections-) and so they'll be happening in February!
From 2/1 - 2/3 is the promotion period! Let people know you're running (mostly just tell me uwu) and why you're thinking of being an alliance officer. This is also known as the speech portion which is just a small blurb about yourself and why you think you'll be great as an alliance officer.
From 2/4 - 2/6 is voting time~ I'll have a poll up so please vote for the person you think is best fit :3 The top 2 people will be alliance officer! And don't worry, you can always run again since in theory, these rotate about every month (except when I forget ;-;)
2/7 is when your new alliance officers come into power :0
Alright, major thing outta the way, let's go to numero 2 *^*
Alliance vs Alliance contest!
This will be in the week of Valentine's day so 2/10 - 2/16!
Mark your calendars folks ;3
Third is a new lil contest that will be announced 2/1 :3
It will have both writing and art components so our resident writers + artists (or both like Hall-Bot) can shine! :0

Heya Everyone!
Don't know if you remember (lowkey I don't know if I said it qwq), but we have a big, new, shiny, sparkly, pristine contest for the month of February! :D
Check it out here ;3
Hopefully it'll be fun!
Note: It might be extended into March :")
Two more things!
[... My brain stopped working]
Alliance Officer elections have begun!
Edited at December 7, 2019 05:42 PM by Kitsune Pakucicle