WIP - Backstory TBA
Beau Morris
Male | He/Him
Beau doesn't think he's ever had a crush before, at least not a serious one, so he's got no idea what he likes
Beau isn't the tallest man, standing at only 5'10. Despite his age, he looks a bit prematurely aged, mainly in the callouses that cover his hands and the few scars he has along his arms. He always looks perpetually exhausted, his eyelids heavy, gray eyes just barely peeking out from under dense lashes. It's actually pretty hard to see his face in general with that mop of dirty blond hair on his head that reaches his shoulders, and if you do manage to pull it back, it doesn't reveal anything very clean or well-groomed. He's learned through trial and error that he cannot grow a beard no matter how long he goes without shaving, but he can develop patchy stubble that makes his face have the texture of a cactus, and he's usually too busy and tired to mow it off.
Beau's skin has been permanently tanned from working in the sun his whole life, being born and raised on a small Texas farm. His skin has a texture comparable to leather - not dry but certainly not smooth, especially when you get to his hands. He has freckles all along his face and body, and not just a few dots here and there along his cheeks and nose, but a very dense coverage like he just tripped in mud.
Beau is missing his right front tooth - the backstory is kind of lame, just a tale of tumbling hard down the stairs while trying to balance an overfilled laundry basket. For this reason, he prefers not to say and lets people make up their own wild tales about bar fights or getting kicked by a horse or something that isn't so... tame.
He has very strong facial features, with a prominent bump in his nose and bushy eyebrows that rest in a way that would make you think he's pissed off when in reality he just kind of looks like that. Beau is pretty burly just because of all the labor he does, but it's not really a lean burly. Toned abs? No way, Beau's kind of soft in the midsection actually even if he looks skinny with his shirt on. He's working strong, not body-building strong.
Beau started the apocalypse in pants that were permanently oil-stained and boots that had already been caked with mud earlier that day. However, he's now in suspiciously fresh clothing that doesn't match how unkempt the rest of him is... and that's because he decided he ought to get a fresh start if this is the outfit he's going to be living in for the foreseeable future. It's just a nice pair of jeans, a tan fleece jacket, and new work boots since the soles of his old ones were wearing down anyway. If he's going to die he may as well do it clean.
Paranoid | Shy | Hardworking | Callous | Patient | Compassionate | Vindictive
Beau probably scared the daylights out of whoever found him, because he and those zombies kind of move in a similar way, and he didn't really care to brush his hair that morning. He has an awkward bumbling gait and always has a tremor in his hands for some reason, and the weird jerky manner of his movements and the way he can go from frozen solid to suddenly jumping to life isn't very 'normal' by most people's standards. It's not because he's scared, either - well, he's always scared of something in the back of his mind - it's just how Beau moves. It's how he thinks and behaves, too, with his mind running a mile a minute at all times and constantly jumping around between topics. It's like his brain can somehow focus on more than one thing at a time. Despite being in a near-constant state of distraction, he somehow has a brilliant memory, and he'll drop little things he remembers into conversations out of nowhere. That's what comes from being self-sufficient, he supposes - you develop the ability to keep track of numerous things and also hang onto certain details. Maybe he moves so weirdly and trembles so often because his brain is short-circuiting at all times.
Beau isn't a very calm person, clearly, and this is also evident in his tendency to be paranoid and distrustful. He most likely holds the world record for fastest conspiracy theory development. Not usually anything political, mind you, he just makes little theories about people he knows or things he's seen and somehow finds a way to tie them all together in his head. He seems to think people always have ulterior motives, and he questions most things, even if he doesn't share his questions with anyone. Reassure him as much as you want, he's still going to be silently pondering about you and about the whole damn situation.
Beau is kind of awkward, though not to a severe extent. He's shy but he doesn't cower or hide, you can just sense that he's not quite comfortable with first meetings and he talks very stiffly. He's just not that outgoing. You have to approach him first or else you'll never speak to him at all.
As evidenced by his appearance, Beau is a very hardworking man who spends almost all day running himself ragged. He doesn't know what to do with himself if he's not devoted to one singular task. He loathes sitting around and doesn't know how to relax. He has to be tinkering with something or he'll go mad from lack of enrichment.
Beau isn't some secretly kind person - he's actually quite blunt and can appear pretty damn rude. He's bad at navigating people's emotions for them and would rather solve a dispute by saying "Just get the hell over it". Beau finds ruminating on things and fighting over things to be an incredibly irritating waste of his time and he won't hesitate to tell you that. The way he sees it, you just have to keep moving, or else.
That being said, he's not a bad person either, he's just not very good at the whole empathy and comforting thing. Beau is a patient person when it comes to long-term goals and achieving things. He's not panicky (maybe because he appears to always be panicked, at least judging from his body language), and he's not aggressive when things don't immediately go his way. Beau is also actually pretty compassionate even if he's blunt and doesn't understand why he has to sit down and talk things out - he has a special fondness for animals, and this is where that compassionate side becomes clearest. Honestly, what distressed him most about this whole apocalypse thing is what about the animals stuck in zoos?!
Beau is not one to "forgive and forget", and in the same way these zombies will remember a human face, he'll remember theirs. Of course, it's the same for his fellow healthy person, but right now he's pre-occupied with remembering that undead bastard that tried to bite him earlier and scheming revenge for it.
-Self-sufficient and Resourceful
-Good with bows (and guns, but he's watched enough horror films to know guns aren't the best option)
-Animal husbandry
-Physically Strong
-Incredible Memory
-Maybe Too Vengeful
-Bad Group Cooperation Skills
TBA - DM/Discussion