Thanks to Sunset Ghosts for the roleplay Town of Glowmire. A DND style roleplay which this is based off of.
Make sure to read everything before joining
You walk down the dirt path. It twists and turns through the trees. It seems to go on forever.
(The forest)

The forest is dark lit only by small glowing stones that line the edges of the thin path. As far as you can see most of the trees are thin and sickly looking. Almost like skeletons of the trees that had came before.
Soon you see a small village. An old wooden gate creaks as you open it. You notice the walking paths are paved by cobble stones.
(places/ shops)
A Small scared wolf waves you over to their almost circus like tent. " Hey! I'm Twig and this is my sibling, Okra!" Another head pops out and you jump back in surprise. "Oh! We're conjoined twins!" Twig says, trying not to laugh.

Quest tent
"We give out quests." Okra explains "in return you get rewards such as resources and money
"We give out quests." Okra explains "in return you get rewards such as resources and money
You wave goodbye to the twins and continue down the path.
A bit further you can see a shack. The wooden sign posted near the front reads. " Blacksmith, crafter, and shopkeeper."

A large wolf waves at you as you approach. "Hello, you seem new to town, I'm Jasiri, I won't tell you what my role is as you have probably read the sign. But I sell a variety of wares that might help you on your adventures." With that Jasiri hand you a pouch and a bottle filled with a yellow liquid. "This is a healing potion, this specific one won't heal any life threatening injuries but something like a sprained ankle or a fractured bone it will heal that." The wolf disappears into his shop. You put on the pouch and carefully put the potion in it.
The next place is a small tent striped in different shades of purple with none of the colors appearing another time.
A small feline appears, her movements gracefull. She introduces herself as Moth.
A small feline appears, her movements gracefull. She introduces herself as Moth.

"I work with potions and magic." She says " Jasiri can give you mild healing potions but I can do much better, I have potions that to all sorts of things, invisibility, strength... almost everything you can think of. For price I can see hints of what may be the future." The cat disappears in a puff of blueish smoke.
The last place on the main road is an inn. You enter. The main room is warm and cozy, a fire place is lit in the corner.

A wolf calls you over. "Hi, new to town are you? I own this inn and you can call me Ivory! You can stay here for as long as you like. Anything to keep you out of that forest..."
-stay in charectar. (Act as your charectar (apparently this needs to be said.))
- don't control the townsfolk/ other charectars you may encounter.
-There is a chance that you can catch adopts but don't beg for them.
- Post in the correct thread.
- This starts in the Inn thread.
- You can start group quests just post in the INN that you want to start.
more rules might be created.
- max of one charectar.
- Try to give me a better name idea.
- when posting put Name/ Place/ quest above your post
There is a hidden plot... it's up to everyone to find it.
How to Join
Follow the charectar sheet below, you will be assigned a room and receive 10 gold coins.
Gold coins, silver coins, Shells
5 shells= 1 silver coins
15 silver coins= 1 gold coin
Room #1: Marcus - Midnight Howlers
Room#2 Skullz - Pigeon Skullz
Charectar sheet
Questions/ other:
links for each place is below the picture