Bear with me, lads, I haven't roleplayed in a hot second and I am rusty. You can hear my keyboard creaking.
Word of warning, I am the most unreliable roleplayer ever. Feel free to shoot me a DM if I've missed that your character is interacting with my boy <3

Name: Viyon
Pronunciation: "Vee-on"
Gender: Male
Age: 6 years
Dog Breed: Mutt. Notably Yakutian Laika and Central Asian Shepherd among other large breeds.
Stray/Pet/Descendant: Descendant
Design Notes: Weighing in at 140lbs, Viyon is a powerhouse of muscle and fur. He's quite the sight to behold with thick fur cresting his head, chest, shoulders and tail. Cropped ears suggest ownership at one point, but it's clear he's very settled into the wilds of the island. His striking white coat is mottled with stark blacks and soft creams, paired with rich hazel eyes. Sectoral heterochromatic eyes would boast his heritage if only most knew the link between eye colour and descendants.
Personality: Showing general disdain for most of the world, this canine is known to throw his weight around. Though not necessarily ill-tempered or mean-spirited, his patience runs thin and his fuse burns short. His grudges remain forever as a low simmering flame that always chances sparking back up into a raging wildfire. Revenge is best a burning fury if you ask him. Opinionated, stubborn, harsh, it's hard to tell if his temper burns hot or icy cold. Some are simply volatile, he's a great example of that.
A dog of few words, he's notably antisocial and keeps any response or conversation as efficient as possible, he's not one to waste words when he doesn't need to. For supposedly an antisocial canine, he does spend a rather unusual amount of time within the city and frequents the streets during the cover of the moon. This beast of a dog might seem out of place but he manages to keep his head down and not draw unnecessary attention to himself; quite the feat for a dog who towers over most others. Practical by nature, he's remarkably thoughtful despite the overall volatility.
Deer and rabbit might be the dream for most dogs, but he seems to have a taste for shit processed food. It doesn't take much to please Viyon or keep his focus. He's got a deep love for the little things and the simple things in life. Grand plans and grand ideas are generally lost on him, he'd rather settle to watch the world go by and chow down on something he likely pulled out of an overflowing bin.
Strengths/Weaknesses Description:
Physical strength- As one could easily guess by his appearance, Viyon can easily muscle his way out of most tricky situations.
Reflective- With all that time sitting around doing not much, he considers most things in great lengths. If you can manage to get enough words out of him, you're sure to get a thoughtful response to your questions.
Territorial- Both a strength and a weakness, he's keen to protect his turf and will do so with unparalleled determination, no matter the threat he's up against.
Thick-furred- Good luck getting your teeth through his pelt.
Speed- Though surprisingly quick for an animal of his weight and size, lighter and more athletic canines are sure to give him the run-around.
Stubborn- Once his mind is made up it's made up. He's not one to forgive, so if you get off on the wrong foot that's it.
Traditional- Not a fan of change or new things, it can take Viyon a while to come around to anything he's not used to.
Roleplay Example: Massive head buried into the dry grasses and seedheads of the field, it'd be easy to assume the lumbering beast was asleep. He was, in fact, dozing, and all too aware of his surroundings. His eyes closed against the beating sun, the only thing that divulged his state of consciousness was his twitching ears, circling around with each crunch of arid grass. With a low groan, Viyon stretched out achy and sleepy limbs before settling once more. It'd take something mighty important to get him to even consider moving from such a sun-drowned and comfortable spot amid the clearing.
In full confidence, or perhaps just a lack of care, the canine rolled onto his back in one slow and almost clumsy motion. Now at the absolute pinnacle of comfort, it was time for a nap, and at that conclusion he began to slip into a deeper slumber, allowing his surroundings to slowly melt away with the heat of the afternoon sun.
Other Notes?: I know I'm a forum mod but I'm not scary to rp with, promise! <3