
Just to keep track of everyone so my notes don't stay clogged ~
Names are repeated often, but it shouldn't matter to you, right? ;) After all, these are mine, and it'd be a shame if you decided to pull an illegal fast one and steal one.
If you'd like to ever purchase the concept for a character, just PM me. Don't expect much however!

<div style="text-align: center;">Prince Arocraes Renegade of Perth <div style="text-align: center;"> -Utopia's Roleplay- <div style="text-align: center;"> <div style="text-align: center;">wip

<div align="center">Arocraes Renagade <div align="center"> - S H A P E S H I F T E R - <div align="center"> <div align="center">Name: Arocraes Renegade<div align="center"><b style="text-align: -webkit-left;">Gender: Male (interchangeable.)<div align="center"><b style="text-align: -webkit-left;">Age: 17 (again interchangeable)<div align="center"><b style="text-align: -webkit-left;">Sexuality: Apparently straight, but have you ever seen a heterosexual with such fashion? <div align="center"><b style="text-align: -webkit-left;">Appearance: A famous poet once used "one kissed by the moon and water" to describe the astonishing beauty of a person. He only ever gave this compliment to two people; His mother, and the daughter of the Japanese Empire. Certainly, if Arocraes had been of his time, this compliment would have been gifted to he as well.Arocraes is truly an image of a graceful and elegant resplendence. His hair is the lightest shade of blond, perhaps bordering on white, and is formed into a somewhat mess of waves that are miraculously contained upon his head. His skin is fair and porcelain, smooth and flawless as one would expect a living china dolls to be. His face is delicately carved, with dainty features that, again, only a doll would possess. His eyes, though, are perhaps his most stunning feature.They are an intensely pale shade of brown. The pupil is encrusted in a darker, more chocolately hue that gradually fades out into that blinding beige-y colouring. The orbs are framed by a set of thick, dark lashes that cast shadows over his high cheekbones when the light hits just right. His full lips are always curved into some sort of dangerous smirk, just showing off the viperous fangs that never cease to appear. It seems that he stays in some sort of half-shifted form throughout his time at the academy - even when he sleeps.<div align="center"><b style="text-align: -webkit-left;">Personality: Beautiful inside and out, most would assume. They would be wrong. Beauty only existed in one or the other; rarely was the case where one's loveliness shone through and through.Arocraes is a sour, almost poisonous being, fitting his animal form perfectly. He's got a sharp tongue that never hesitates to bite out a scathing remark if the chance is given. He's known to be quite cocky and rude, and on worst case scenarios, arrogant. He knows he's beautiful, and dare one say it has gotten to his head. Of course, he doesn't brag about it, but if any try to insult his looks, he will downright laugh in their face. He's very snarky and sarcastic, but on rare occasions, he has been known to push down his inner spite and actually attempt to be a decent person. One wouldn't go as far to describe him as kind, but when he tries hard enough, he can actually become quite pleasant to be around.<div align="center"><b style="text-align: -webkit-left;">Animal Form: Black Mamba<div align="center"><b style="text-align: -webkit-left;">Shape-shifting Class: Three-Four. No one is exactly sure. Some have said they've seen him perform a full transformation.<div align="center"><b style="text-align: -webkit-left;">Other: He always possesses snake-like eyes, a forked tongue, and curved, poison-filled fangs. Edited at May 22, 2018 10:44 PM by Telle Tilla