
Ragnarok Literate || Norse Mythology || Fantasy== Open/Closed ==This RP is open, though is still a slight WIP.Table of Contents - I -StatusTable of ContentsLinksAdvertisement- II -Introduction Plot- III -WorldLocationsGods/Goddesses- IV -Roles/Masterlist- V -Character Sheet- VI -RP Rules/RegulationsCharacter Rules/RegulationsLinksThread DiscussionAdvertisement Ragnarok is coming. Will the gods' children be able to prevent such destruction? https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=28&t=81951
Edited at August 1, 2022 05:38 PM by Murdering_Crow

For years it's been told that any sort of Pantheon and mythology is deemed as a myth - there is no true proof of such Gods and worlds existing apart from the world from ancient oral traditions and local tales that were shared among those in old times. However, up until recently, people's opinion's have suddenly taken a change.
Hidden in a very small town in Scandinavia, a group of kids have been born. Half god, half mortal, these kids have been renowned as some of the most 'special' people in the world. They're famous for being known as demigods, alongside their unique powers, gaining a fandom of those who practice the Norse mythology and have a tendency to increase the interest of common folk.
However, there is something else coming apart from just the rising of these demi-gods.
Ragnarok. Obviously, if the Gods were able to reproduce in the modern-time, that meant that Ragnarok, the prophecy that destroys all realms and the gods with it, never happened. The battle between demons and gods and giants never even existed.
Until now.
Eight kids, all coming from different backgrounds, have been living in Scandinavia, hidden away from the real world due to their 'unique' abilities. That was until one day, they received a letter in the mail.
"Dear Child, If you are receiving this letter, it is because you have been chosen for your unique abilities. Your abilities resemble one of the eight majorNorse gods - your parents - and allows you to do what they do, maybe even better. That said, we have been watching you from the sidelines. You have allowed us to believe that you may be the only way to prevent Ragnarok - the prophecy that destroys the nine realms and all the gods. We hope that once you see this letter, you will accept our invitation to a private mansion. There, you will meet your parent and discuss business.
-Sincerely, Anonymous"
The children were shocked. First of all, who had been watching them? Second of all, they had no clue that their parents could even walk on Earth - it was simply unheard of. Third of all, they all believed that Ragnarok had already happened, hence why all of their parents were absent. But turns out that they were all wrong, and that they all must come together and prevent this thing from happening.
All of the kids arrived at the mansion, each looking at their parent as though they were fake. Each god and goddess took on a more human-like look, not as crazy as they would in their respective realms.
This was just the beginning.
Could they stop Ragnarok? Or would they fail?
Edited at August 1, 2022 05:18 PM by Murdering_Crow

This RP will be taking place in Scandinavia in modern times. Obviously, there have been some changes. Where it does take place is hella secluded. There is no city or town for miles and miles, so if you're in trouble, you're shit out of luck.
Private Mansion This is the mansion that everyone will be staying at. It is three stories tall with a basement. Walking in, there is a living room and kitchen. The living room is made up of a couch, a recliner, and a couple of bean-bags for those who prefer to sit on those. And no, there is no use of technology for the sake of the kids possibly being tracked down. Anyway, the kitchen is a rather spacious kitchen, with an island, a fridge, a counter, cabinents, you name it.
On the second floor there are multiple bedrooms, each able to house at least two kids. They are all the same with a twin-sized bed and a nightstand. Everything else added in is from whatever it is that the kids decide to bring. There are three bathrooms on this floor, one being the master bathroom inside the master bedroom. The third floor is the same, though the rooms are slightly less spacious - but hey, you get a better view.
In the lowest level is a gym and an inside pool for whatever off time the kids maybe have. The inside pool starts at a foot deep and goes to four feet deep on the furthest end.
The Nine Realms Over time, the children and the Gods will be travelling between the Nine Realms. As of now, nothing is really known about them (at least to the kids), so they will become more educated. The Nine Realms are as follows; -Asgard -Alfheim -Midgard -Jotunheim -Vanaheim -Niflheim -Muspelheim -Helheim -Svartalfheim
The fun thing about this RP is that you do get to play as the God/Goddess that your character is the child of. That being said, all of these listed here are the only ones available. You may make them look however, use them however, etc. By taking the information here, you can also use it to help build your character.
Note: Because I am not entirely familiar with Norse mythology, some information may be incorrect! Please let me know, and I will do my best to make update it and make it more accurate.
Note 2: Some information, such as the gods's relations with one another, has been changed to suit the RP.
Note 3: By using this information, you will be coming up with your character's power. If you feel like it may be a bit far-fetched, please be sure to PM me and ask!
Odin Odin is the god of wisdom, poetry, death, divination, and magic. He is the one-eyed All-Father, sacrificing one eye in order to see everything that happens in the world.
Frigg Frigg is the goddess of marriage and motherhood. She is married to Odin.
Thor Thor is the god of thunder, the sky, and agriculture. He is Odin's son and chief of the gods.
Baldr Baldr is the god of light, wisdom, and courage. His death heralds the coming of Ragnarok, which has yet to happen.
Loki Loki is the god of mischief. He is known for constantly playing tricks on his other fellow gods.
Hod Hod is the god of darkness and night.
Heimdall Heimdall is the god of foresight. He is also the vigilant of the Aesir.
Tyr Tyr is the god of war and justice. Edited at August 1, 2022 05:28 PM by Murdering_Crow

Roles/MasterlistThere will only be one child per god. On another note, there will be four males and four females for the sake of keeping everything even. Again, you will be playing as the child's god-parent as well.Odin's ChildName | Age | Sex | Pg # | Portrayed by [Reputation]Frigg's ChildName | Age | Sex | Pg # | Portrayed by[Reputation]Thor's ChildFrankie Rahman | 18 | Male | Pg #2 | Portrayed by Determined_Wolf[Known best for being quiet and distant from people, Frankie keeps to himself. Afterall, no one really wants to interact with someone who looks like a goth kid always with earbuds who works as a mortician assistant.]Baldr's ChildNira Rendhal | 17 | Female | Pg #2 | Portrayed by High Hills Pack[Unlike her father, Nira is nothing more than a background character – living in the somehow-present shadow of his glowing persona. Literally. Few acknowledge her heritage and even fewer know of her existence. To most of the gods, she is nothing but a myth. Then again, she prefers it this way. For those that know her, she is a generous and protective soul who… rarely expresses her true emotions. At times, she appears unapproachable – especially on the rougher days. Many wonder how she is even related to Baldr due to them being near opposites in many aspects of their personality.] Loki's ChildName | Age | Sex | Pg # | Portrayed by Covidic[Reputation]Hod's ChildName | Age | Female | Pg # | Portrayed by Glacialis[Reputation]Heimdall's ChildName | Age | Sex | Pg # | Portrayed by[Reputation]Tyr's ChildUlrik Haakon | 16 | Male | Pg #1 | Portrayed by Murdering_Crow[This young man is known is a fireball. That's it. Angry. All the time. The sort of guy to piss you off just by the way he looks at you. He's known as the troublemaker out of all the kids, honestly. He definitely isn't your first choice you think of to go to if you have any problems cause he'll probably just make it worse.] Edited at August 7, 2022 03:57 PM by Murdering_Crow

Character Sheet
Everything here is required. You may add anything you wish.
All characters should be roughly 15-19.
Name Age Sex Role Power Reputation Appearance Personality Strengths Weaknesses Affiliations Other Edited at August 2, 2022 12:27 AM by Murdering_Crow

RP Rules/Regulations1. Be as active as possible. Do not join just to never post. If something comes up, please notify me. If you are inactive in the RP for more than a week, your character will be killed off. That being said, post at least once a week.2. Be able to type at least 300 words. I understand writer's block, but if everyone is consistent, then it shouldn't be much of an issue.3. Try to include everyone. Should go without saying, but it happens. This is a group RP, not a 1x1.4. Images are allowed, though a description is still needed. Be as descriptive as possible when it comes to both appearance and personality.5. Obviously, hate the character and not the player. I will not be tolerating any OOC drama.6. Keep chatter to a minimum in the thread and sign-ups. If you have a question or something to add, either PM me or drop it in the discussion thread.7. Reservations last 48 hours. If you need an extension, please let me know.8. Obviously, have fun!Character Rules/Regulations 1. No OP characters.
2. No Weeping Willows, Gary/Mary Sues, etc. I understand that trauma is a part of a character, but not everyone is perfect either and everyone is flawed. Just don't over-do it :)
3. For the love of God, do not have your character be 'that guy'. Always running off, causing trouble, etc. It's annoying.
4. There will only be one character per person.
5. Try to keep genders as even as possible.
6. Appearance and personality should each have at least 200 words. Yes, I will be checking.
7. Obviously, your characters can and will get harmed, possibly killed.
8. Always be sure to have permission to harm another person's character.
9. Your character must have at least three strengths and weaknesses.
10. I will be sorta picky with who I accept for the sake of keeping this RP going. In no way is it a way to offend you, the player, as a writer. It is simply based off of who I think fits the best.
ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Edited at August 1, 2022 05:34 PM by Murdering_Crow

Ulrik Haakonrich and noble heritage - high sonMale | 16 | Son of Tyr | Heterosexual"You're really, and I mean really, pissing me off."PowerHis power is that of strength - considering his father is the God of War, strength is a big part of war. However, this power just isn't in his every day life. He must force himself to gain this extra strength. It lasts in bursts, and as time goes on, he is able to use it for longer. However, as of now, he can only use it in bursts of roughly five minutes, which when he first started, it was only a few seconds. While using his power, his eyes will glow. After using it, he will feel rather drained and tired.ReputationThis young man is known is a fireball. That's it. Angry. All the time. The sort of guy to piss you off just by the way he looks at you. He's known as the troublemaker out of all the kids, honestly. He definitely isn't your first choice you think of to go to if you have any problems cause he'll probably just make it worse.AppearanceThis young man appears to be much more older than he truly is. With a constant narrow and deathly gaze, a highly raised chin, and a slight smirk always plastered on his handsome face, he holds himself with pride. He stands at six foot evenly. He has a rather athletic build, not much for muscle, though is on the more slimmer side of the spectrum. He has an ectomorph build, with some lean muscle that can be found mainly in his arms and back. His skin tone is that of a warmer brown color, though slightly lighter as he is mixed. He has no blemishes apart from light freckles scattering across his face, though they are rather faint and not very visible. This man's head shape is rather angular. It is more like an oval, per se, and comes to a rounded chin. He has a defined jawline with high cheekbones, though they aren't entirely prominent. His eyes are rather narrow, almost as though he's constantly tired, and are a beautiful almond color, appearing almost orange-ish. When his power is in use, they glow more orange than anything else with a slight yellow tint towards the middle. Anyway, his eyebrows are full and are squared, angling off towards the end in a point and are dark brown in color. His nose is average-sized with a slight bump towards the middle, coming down into a slight upwarded point. Below his nose is obviously his lips, which are always slightly curved into a mischievious and shit-eating grin. They are dark in color, like his skin but with a more red hue, and are full. His bottom lip is slightly heavier than the top, and behind his lips are straight white teeth that he was blessed with because his mother, the mortal in his life, was willing enough to pay for braces.
His hair is dark in color and honestly is a genuine mess. A mop on his head. It is cut short above his ears and is curly in texture. It is thick and doesn't do much else. He just sorta lets it do whatever it pleases. Sometimes he will grow it out, and there was a point in his life where he did in fact have a buzzed head - don't ask him about it though. You might regret that choice. But regardless, his hair is probably one of the things he could care less about. It falls onto his forehead, and underneath that hair, is a slightly larger forehead. He also has a very distinct widow's peak, though because of how his hair lays, you'd never see it unless you did pull his hair back. CreditPersonalityCharming || Charasmatic || Stubborn || Angered || Devoted || Hard-working || Protective StrengthsWeaknessesAffiliationsKinOther Edited at August 2, 2022 01:32 AM by Murdering_Crow

Name: Linnea Solveig Vindler Age: 18 Sex: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Role: Daughter of Heimdall Reputation: Linnea is known for being serious and studious, throwing herself into her work with all the relentlessness of a wave hitting the shore. She graduated from high school with straight As and played softball all four years, becoming captain of the varsity team her senior year. She was also a member of the swim team all four years, but only made varsity her junior year. She had intended to go to college for a degree in Marine Biology but those plans were pushed aside once the letter came. Powers: Can see the immediate future, typically anything happening within the next 3 hours to the next 3 days. Visions typically last only a couple seconds or minutes, but can be up to twenty minutes. She cannot control when she has the visions or how far into the future she sees. The time frame of 3 hours to 3 minutes is just based on her past experiences with seeing something and then noting how long after the vision occurs the actual event happens, as during the vision she has no idea how far into the future she is seeing. Also possesses enhanced hearing and sight; she has roughly the same visual acuity as an eagle and the hearing of a wolf. Appearance: Linnea is a well-built woman who is roughly 5 foot 8 inches tall. She has broad shoulders and narrow hips resulting in an inverted triangle body shape. She has toned arm and leg muscles, but is a bit softer in her torso and abdomen. Her hands are heavily calloused from sports and combat, with short, strong, fingers and nails absently chewed short. Linnea’s body is marked with a few tattoos. On the back of her left calf is a black-and-white stylized male leocampus with a prominent mane and curled tail. Her right shoulder blade bears a detailed black and white ram skull facing towards the observer, while her upper left arm has a band of rolling waves in indigo and pine. Finally, the inside of Linnea’s right forearm bears the stylized version of a horse’s head in the side profile, and is somewhat abstract. Linnea is naturally pale, with porcelain skin that tends to burn rather than tan. Her face is lightly freckled, with a few freckles also appearing across the tops of her shoulders. Her face would be best described as oval, with a rounded chin and somewhat wide cheekbones. Linnea has a typically straight nose and a thin mouth that sometimes seems to be made of pink quartz. She rarely smiles with teeth, and has a bit of a resting bitch face. Her eyes are round, with the outer ends hooded slightly by her eyelids. The irises are a striking golden brown that appears amber in the right light. The eyebrows above are only slightly arched, and are comparatively thick. Finally, Linnea has dark auburn hair with caramel undertones. Her thick locks are straight and when unbound hang a few inches below her shoulders. Normally she keeps the sides of her head buzzed, and the rest of her hair in a series of thick braids that can be either left down or coiled into a bun at the top of her head. Personality: Linnea, or Lin as she is sometimes called, is a total perfectionist. Everything she tries she must master, and any competition she enters she has to win. While many perfectionists struggle with feelings of insecurity and thoughts of not being good enough, Linnea is brimming with confidence. She takes great joy in challenging herself to always learn more and to be better. When she is bested honestly, Linnea is a gracious loser who will congratulate the victor and attempt to learn from them so that she might win next time. Beating her in a competition is also a great way to earn her respect, assuming you don’t cheat. Linnea abhors foul play of any kind, whether in combat or in sports. She hates people who cheat or use fighting techniques she views as dirty or unfair. Throughout her life, Linnea has always had a strong moral code and tried to compete and fight with honor. Additionally, she has a hard time relaxing and being playful, with most of her free time taken up by hobbies that result in self-improvement such as reading or biking. She particularly loves swimming and volunteering at animal shelters. When it comes to working in teams, Linnea will always pull her weight, although she struggles with knowing when to help others and can be reluctant to cover what she sometimes perceives as someone else’s laziness. Overall she reacts poorly when expectations and situations change without warning. She is generally aloof when it comes to new people, and only befriends those who have earned it through their actions. When she is your friend however, Linnea is incredibly loyal. She’ll defend you in word and deed, and keep your secrets to her grave. She does have a bit of a blind spot when it comes to her friends however, being unlikely to tell them when they do something wrong, and defending them even when she knows they’re on the wrong side of an issue. Finally, Lin hates pranks and practical jokes with a passion. She doesn’t react much to verbal jokes or insults, but sharpie on her face or a glitter bomb in the mail are good ways to get your bones broken. Strengths: -Alert and attentive. She is hard to sneak up on. -Physically strong, she has trained with the bow and sword for years. -Excellent listener in the sense that when you talk to her, you feel like she is giving you her undivided attention. Weaknesses: -Stubborn, especially when it comes to admitting she or her friends are wrong. -Closed-off, she doesn’t trust easily which leads to her sometimes keeping information a secret when it would have benefitted the group. -When her visions strike she is completely helpless, unable to control her body or react to her environment. However she usually doesn’t fall down unless the vision is on the longer side. Affiliations: TBD Other: Edited the powers.
Edited at August 2, 2022 02:31 PM by Shadows in the Mist

I'll accept her! Her powers shouldn't be too much of an issue, though if they do, I will say that you're probably safest to drop how far she can see into the future. ^^ Or maybe that only something important triggers that ability? The enhanced senses are fine with me.

May I reserve a daughter of Baldr?
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