dumpsterfire, You continue on forward until you get stuck in some mud. You groan and say some colorful words. You can: Close the pod and save it (3 moves left) Move forward Move backward Move left Move right
Astraeus' Lights, You close your pod. It beeps and closes with a snap. You can: Use pod Move forward Move backward Move left Move right |
Pack number: 279430 Items: Cage, Collar, Leash, Mutant treats, Ev01v3 treats, and a Rainbow Pod Terrain: Open Space Color of your spacesuit: Trans colors (pale blue, pink and white) Total: 380? Extra: I'm looking forward to this interactive!
390 actually ^^ Send the mush and we'll get started! Violent Nightshade said: Pack number: 279430 Items: Cage, Collar, Leash, Mutant treats, Ev01v3 treats, and a Rainbow Pod Terrain: Open Space Color of your spacesuit: Trans colors (pale blue, pink and white) Total: 380? Extra: I'm looking forward to this interactive!
Violent Nightshade, Some people secure your suit and launch you out of the space shuttle. You can: Use your pod Move forward Move backward Move left Move right
Howling to the moon said: Violent Nightshade, Some people secure your suit and launch you out of the space shuttle. You can: Use your pod Move forward Move backward Move left Move right
I'll move forward