This one? Broken Rivers of Ice said: WHISPERING ECHOES It looks up at you, and yips. Then, it claws itself up out of the nest and sits down almost on thin air. Do you... Hold out some bait Call again
Broken Night of Fire said: This one? Broken Rivers of Ice said: WHISPERING ECHOES It looks up at you, and yips. Then, it claws itself up out of the nest and sits down almost on thin air. Do you... Hold out some bait Call again
Mhm. You go back, the Foxling decides to stay with you.
Ah. What about the one that sent me on a quest?
Broken Night of Fire said: Ah. What about the one that sent me on a quest?
It is following you. It and it's whole family decide to stay with you.
Ooh. I forget what page my other one is one... Broken Rivers of Ice said: Broken Night of Fire said: Ah. What about the one that sent me on a quest?
It is following you. It and it's whole family decide to stay with you.
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