Nice to meet you all as well. I'm excited. I'm in one of midnights other rps and that one be staying interesting so I have the same excitement for this one
Free-Claw12 said: Skya and Achlys might get along and bond with each other because they are simular species // Glacialis said: Achlys is open for affliations as well
Sure, if you'd like. Apologies for being inactive in the discussion, I've been a little overwhelmed with school and all.
That's fine I know how you feel! Glacialis said: Free-Claw12 said: Skya and Achlys might get along and bond with each other because they are simular species // Glacialis said: Achlys is open for affliations as well
Sure, if you'd like. Apologies for being inactive in the discussion, I've been a little overwhelmed with school and all.
Hi everyone! Sorry, only just found the thread XD Midnight Wolves, just letting you know I am going to be away for the weekend, so I won't be active.
Alright. Thank you for letting me know. Hopefully, we can start in a few days, most likely after the weekend.
Yay! Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, DAH! dum dum dum dum dum DAH! Everyone join tthe congo line!
The Midnight Wolves said: Alright. Thank you for letting me know. Hopefully, we can start in a few days, most likely after the weekend.
That sounds great for me. Plus I just started my new job at Amazon. So still adjusting. I'll still be active though just not from 6:30pm- 7am Thursday Friday Saturday . Thats my time. I'm an hour ahead of game time. Edited at March 25, 2022 04:34 PM by Ravensrun
Works for me. I'm online daily, but sporadically as I am a student.
My real time is 7 hours ahead of game time. Midnight real time is 5 pm game time. I'm usually hopping on and off from around 2/3 am to 5/6 pm.
Only one sign-up left to finish. I'm so excited!