Ivayla Prowze
Moral Alignment
Chaotic Good
If one were to sum up Ivayla’s appearance in only a few words, “elegant” and “sharp” would be two of them. She is a comely woman to be sure, with all the curves and grace a lady should have. But never let it be said that roses don’t have thorns. Being from a wealthy upper class family, Ivayla has always been aware of the importance of appearances. Standing at 5 feet 9 inches, she has a long-limbed and refined physique, carefully cultivated, creating a lithe and athletic figure. She always had a fear that her occupation would cause her to grow too muscular and appear not feminine enough, and as a result Ivayla is meticulous in how she trained her body. Thanks to her efforts she has kept her arms slender yet with strength that belies their size. However, to the trained eye it is clear she is very familiar with weapons and martial arts. The majority of her strength is found in her core and in her legs, which are more defined with muscle in her calves and thighs.
One of Ivayla’s most notable features is her hair, which is darker than night. It is thick and glossy, well-taken care of and a source of some vanity on her part. She used to always wear it long and kept it down whenever she could due to her hatred of complicated updos that only gave her headaches, in more ways than one. However, after certain major events, Ivayla cut her hair to her chin. Since then it has grown to the tops of her shoulders and she maintains that length. Despite her very black hair, her eyebrows are a few shades lighter. They curve neatly over her eyes, thicker towards the center before gradually coming to a thin point at her temples. Ivayla’s face is oval-shaped, with a defined jawline and chin and an aquiline nose. Her cheekbones are only slightly defined, and she has always thought her forehead was too large. She has three beauty marks, two side by side below the outside corner of her left eye, and a small one just below her lower lip on the left side as well. She has medium-sized, downturned lips. All-in-all, Ivayla’s facial appearance can be considered rather average, but can be greatly enhanced by the magic that is make-up.
Ivayla’s eyes are a dark granite color, almost dark enough to match her hair at times, depending on the lighting. They are almond-shaped and slightly downturned. Her lashes are dark but rather short. Ivayla’s skin is quite fair, aside from the inevitable sun tan due to training outdoors. It is for the most part smooth and unblemished, at least in areas that aren’t typically hidden by normal clothing. She has always had a difficult time keeping it properly moisturized. Her hands are calloused and accustomed to hard work, and the backs of her hands and knuckles are almost always dry despite her best efforts. In the winter they often crack quite badly. Ivayla has been able to keep herself relatively free of scars, but there are still a handful of nicks and scratches to be found, mostly beneath her clothes. The worst scar is one that first appears at the bottom of her neck on the right side, just above her collarbone, then strikes diagonally down across the front of her right shoulder. It’s thin, not even a half-inch in width, but if it had been any deeper Ivayla could have lost the use of her arm.
Ivayla’s style is quite practical, comfortable, and precise. She knows what works for her and what doesn’t, and what will enhance her best features. She has always displayed quite the duality of a fighter and lady due to her upbringing, and her clothes are reflective of this. Ivayla used to have a wardrobe of stunning outfits of all colors and designs, with cooler colors being her favorite. However, since becoming stripped of her position in both her career and family, she left all her fancy clothes and jewelry behind. The only jewelry she wears with her at all times now is a necklace with two wedding rings on it; hers, and her deceased husband’s. Now on a new world and seeking to tame a dragon, her usual outfits now consist of a mix of both loose and form-fitting shirts and sweaters, leggings, leather combat boots, a belt with a practical fanny pack of necessities, a couple of her favorite knives, her handgun, and a cloak. She typically wears shades of gray, black, and dark blue or green.
Ivayla is someone who seems full of contradictions and opposites, and yet somehow she manages to keep everything working in tandem. The Yin and Yang symbol would describe her quite well. At a glance, as an upper class woman she appears refined and elegant, well-spoken and skilled at mingling with the others within her class and without. Her grandmother taught her well in these matters. As a soldier, she is controlled and precise, with impeccable form and self-discipline. Those who know Ivayla well, however, tell quite a different story. Yes, she does have the qualities that any soldier should have: honor, loyalty, a strong sense of justice. Though some people believe these traits are hidden way down below the surface.
In truth, Ivayla is intensely cunning and mischievous. It is hard for anyone to know what she is really thinking behind her calm expression and her signature up-to-no-good, knowing smile. She loves to play mind games and tricks, particularly on her opponent, and finds messing with others to be endlessly amusing. The nickname ‘Viper’ was coined from her fellow soldiers, both for her fighting style and for her personality. She is fast and vicious, and it is difficult to guess her next move and when she intends to strike. Ivayla has a weakness for gossip and secrets. She loves to know everything about everyone. To the surprise of some, she doesn’t usually do anything nefarious with the secrets she keeps. She loves to collect and hoard them, but doesn’t usually intend to use them to blackmail people or for some other purpose. She does, however, enjoy watching people squirm when they know that she knows. What can she say, Ivayla is a bit of a control freak and she will always prefer to have the ball on her side of the court.
While a bit infamous, Ivayla does have a kind heart. She genuinely cares for the wellbeing of others and will often work behind the scenes to help someone if it is in her power. She prefers to do so anonymously if she can, because any genuine praise or recognition of her efforts tends to make her uncomfortable. Not to mention it would ruin her reputation. Ivayla has a deep love for family, both those related by blood and found on her own. She has a fondness for young people and old people alike, and when she meets someone that she favors, Ivayla has a tendency to ‘adopt’ them and take them under her wing. She finds shy, timid, and easily flustered people to be particularly adorable (not because they are easy to tease, no of course not… *wink*). She has a desire to protect the weak and innocent in any capacity and as such this is one of her main purposes for becoming stronger.
Ivayla can be a force to be reckoned with when she is angry. One of her many faults is her tendency to hold grudges. She has a long memory, and she doesn’t forget those who have wronged her or those close to her. And so she will find a way to even the score, eventually. Sometimes if she can make the other person guilty and uncomfortable enough, make them sweat a little, that will satisfy her. Or perhaps seeing them fall for one of her tricks will do the job. When Ivayla particularly despises someone she is prone to either passive aggressive remarks, or simply ignoring them. Her tongue can be sharp, and if she is angry enough, Ivayla will lash out with her words. Most of the time she comes to regret it, having not seriously desired to hurt someone or truly meaning what she said. So when it is she who has wronged someone, Ivayla will do whatever she can to make it right. Whether it be a gift or a favor, or a simple, heartfelt apology, she will do whatever necessary. While she often does genuinely want to make amends, Ivayla also doesn’t like to be in someone’s debt for too long.
Overall, Ivayla is an independent and determined woman, and always follows her heart while using her head. When she loves, she loves with all her heart and soul. She appreciates the humor of life and understands when to be serious, and when to take things not so seriously. Ivayla has her morals and her way of living and she sticks to them no matter what others say, and this immovable will of hers has gotten her into sticky situations more times than she'd care to admit. Ivayla values freedom, and will not let others dictate how she chooses to live or force her to change who she is. If someone’s ideals align with her own, one can expect a fierce and dependable ally. If not, one can find just as formidable an enemy.
Competition and/or a good challenge || Animals || Shy/quiet/honest people || Gossip and secrets || Sweets || Warm/pleasant weather || Climbing || Knives
Rain || Bullies || Pushovers || Bugs || Authority || Fake/dishonest people || Inactivity || Being indoors || Flowers || Memories || Giving up
Reliable - One can count on Ivayla to always do her part, to not slack off and work hard, and to be there for someone if they need her help.
Genuine - Ivayla is unabashedly herself, not afraid of what other people think. Despite having a fondness for secrets and gossip, she herself strives to be genuine in her actions and words and appreciates these qualities even more in other people.
Fighter - Both in spirit and in skill, Ivayla is strong and puts her talents to good use. She thrives in strengthening her own body and martial prowess, and isn't one for easily throwing in the towel.
Persistent - With a clear goal in mind, it is very difficult to sway her or knock her off course. Ivayla does really well in setting achievable goals and doing whatever it takes to reach them.
Clever - Some say Ivayla is too smart and cunning for her own good, and sometimes she has to agree, even if she won't admit it. She has a fast working, adaptable mind, and harnesses it well.
Protector - One of Ivayla's biggest motivations for becoming stronger and bettering herself is to protect her loved ones, as well as those who aren't able to protect themselves. She also goes to great lengths to protect her own morals and values.
Patient - Waiting is not a problem for Ivayla. She understands well the value in being patient for her chance to act, both in combat and other situations. She also understands that often the greatest rewards and plans come to fruition with even a little patience.
Curious - Ivayla is almost too curious for her own good. When she can tell someone isn't being forthright or genuine, she can't help but want to know what it is they are hiding. She also loves to explore and gain a good picture of her surroundings and any other situation she becomes involved with.
Stubborn - When she gets a plan or idea in mind that she feels strongly about, it isn't easy to convince Ivayla otherwise. She is unbending and hard to get through when she puts her mind to it.
Unforgiving - Ivayla is her own worst critic, and she can hold a grudge. When someone has wronged her, she can't easily let it go, and will look for ways to even the score.
Strict - Ivayla holds herself to a high standard, and can be borderline obsessive in keeping to that standard. It is difficult for her to tolerate any kind of slip up or mistake. This can sometimes bleed into interactions with others as well, as Ivayla can expect a lot out of other people.
Temper - Ivayla does have quite the temper, but it is one that doesn't blow up quickly, at least not outwardly. Her temper instead simmers behind the scenes, and she schemes and waits for the perfect chance to act on it. On very rare occasions will Ivayla have an uncontrolled outburst.
Closed-off - She can be very tight-lipped, and slow to open up or share anything with others around her. Ivayla tends to keep things to herself, hoarding her true thoughts and intentions for as long as possible.
Distrustful - Ivayla has a very hard time in trusting others, particularly new people, but also those she cares about. She knows all too well how easy it is for people to lie and keep secrets, even from the ones they've known their whole lives and are close to.
Cynical - Having seen her fair share of human nature, Ivayla has a hard time putting any faith in supposed 'good deeds'. She knows how selfish and self-centered people can be, and has a tendency to always suspect ulterior motives. Nothing comes for free.
Independent - While this can sometimes be a good trait, it isn't necessarily good for Ivayla. She relies on herself and her own abilities far too much, for she believes that they are the only ones she can truly count on. It's difficult for her to share her burdens or delegate in any way.
Military (previously)
So I just got back from a movie about a serial killer, and I kept thinking why are monsters like that so intriguing to learn about? Like all that true crime stuff? It's SO interesting. Or maybe it's just me, idk man lol.
Just a random thought for y'all XD