
Alsaela She felt him getting flustered, so she backed off her inquisitive questions for the moment. She got an uneasy feeling of being watched, so she nonchalantly glanced around, looking for something watching her. Not finding anything, she calmed a bit, but the feeling didn't leave. She pushed a mouse towards the new raptor, thinking he might be hungry. She was hoping to find Alley again, but she didn't know where the adult ran off to. "Troodon..." She muttered. Maybe its a funny looking raptor? She had an idea. So, she nodded her head at the new micro, and scampered off into the rocks, slipping through them disappearing into the piles.

Jani-Male-Lone Micro ~ Jani watched as she pushed a mouse to him. "What's your name?" He asked but she ran into a pile of rocks before he finished speaking. He sighed and looked at the mouse, confused what he was supposed to do. He tilted his head at the rock pile, wondering if it was a raptor game that they play. ~ Oculta-Female-Huntress ~ Oculta woke up on her rock with her leg burning much worse then before. It looked very dark red, almost darker then blood. She winced at the pain and started licking it, which just made it burn worse. I should've let Nightmare help! She hissed and grabbed a thick stick to chew on to try and ease the pain. She gripped it tightly with her front paws, squeezing it hard. Edited at November 23, 2022 03:08 PM by Fruit Lovers

Alsaela She scampered back after a moment, squeezing her tiny body through the rocks. She held a vibrant green stone in her jaws. An Emerald. She ran back over to him and gave it to him. Maybe this will help him calm down. She gazed at him. She wondered why he hadn't eaten the mouse. "are... Are you not hungry?" She asked.

Khazhak Hunter | M | Mentions: Blu, Alsaela
The male was patient, waiting until the leader's attention was focused on him before doing anything. He bowed his head in appreciation and moved to stand slightly beside her and set to trying to groom her a bit. She, like him, was feathered, and he understood how difficult getting anything off of feathers could be.
"The youth is difficult to keep tabs on, appears to have no desire to listen, and constantly disobeys when given boundaries. Naturally she's inquisitive, but doesn't comrehend the dangers of her recklessness. So, I propose a plan that is... well... dangerous, but could prove to be promising in the end. We could assign her to an adult, like a hunter, you, or India, someone responsible enough to keep tabs on her, but also isn't around the den constantly like Nightmare is," he motioned to his mate as he said her name. "This would unfortunately put her in harms way, but it may show her first hand just how dangerous it is out there, and how one mistep can could be absolutely disastrous. This would sate her need to get out and about, especially since she thinks she's old enough to, while also potentially teaching her a lesson in the process," he paused to flex his hind leg, wincing at it slightly with how stiff it was.
"It seems like lately we've spent more time trying to find and bring her back than anything else, which makes us weak and vulnerable as a pack," he commented a bit dryly, but it wasn't a dig directed at her. He couldn't imagine the pressure the female was under.

Jani-Male-Lone Micro ~ Jani looked at her when she came out of the pile. He noticed she was holding a bright green stone and turned his attention to it. "I've never seen such a pretty rock..." He noticed her question and then looked away. "Sorry... I just have issues taking food from others I don't know well..." He felt bad.

Alsaela She caught a familiar scent. She perked up, staring at one of the large rock piles. There you are. Her Hunter's instinct kicked in and she raced forward, leaping over, pouncing on the white micro Winter. She snarled at the larger micro, hissing. "Why are you always following me?" She hopped off, growling, which wasn't threatening because she was tiny.

Jani-Male-Lone Micro ~ Jani watched as she pounced on another micro. "Who's that?" He angled his head a certain direction that jade his mane blow to his left. He always tried to use his feathery mane as a way to look cool in front of everyone. ~ Oculta-Female-Huntress ~ Oculta groaned and accidently snapped the stick in half. She felt thirsty again, so she dragged herself to the stream and drank more. She sat there lapping water up for like five minutes and still thirsty. ~ Gotta eat. Be back in a few minutes. Edited at November 23, 2022 03:29 PM by Fruit Lovers

Blu . Blu watched Khazhak, letting out the quietest of purrs in appreciation for the grooming attempt, and listened to what he had to say. She thought about it, then heard his last comment. The feathers along her spine fluffed a bit in agitation, not because she disagreed, but because it was so true. . "Khazhak. Your words are too true, and it pains me to say that Alsaela could, and might die because of this suggestion of yours...... Hmm.. Very well then, Alsaela will soon come with me on a trip to see the true dangers of the world we live in.." . She spoke quietly, as to not let Alsaela hear what she was saying, having paused in the middle to think about what she would do, of course deciding to bring Alsaela along on one of her next outings. . She then calmly watched Alsaela and Jani- as she had overheard- interact with each other, and reminisced about the time when she was that small. Oh what a spicy thing she was back then, so angry yet so curious. She really couldn't put Alsaela at any fault, since she was quite similar in regards to always wandering off before being old enough to go out alone. Edited at November 23, 2022 03:37 PM by Sir Vibes

Winter Winter countinued to watch the two micros before she watched as the blackish blue micro came running towards the rock pile she was in. What is she doing? Winter thought curiously. Before she could move though the micro pumbled her to the ground. The air was knocked out of her as the mirco spoke, before getting off. Winter gasped for air before getting up, her skin slowly turning invisible. "I- uh I just-" Winter studdered, all the while her head now was the only thing visible. To a young raptor it might be a little scary. As the micro growled(even though it wasnt really scary) Winter began to cry, "Im sorry, its just im so lonely! Please dont tell the adults! They would probably kill me or something! Just like the others did to my family!" Edited at November 23, 2022 03:37 PM by ~Terebinth Wolves~

Alsaela Her eyes widened in fear and she scrambled away from the mostly invisible raptor. It freaked. Her. Out. She scrambled behind Jani, using anything to shield herself. She backed away more, before racing off to look for Alley to protect her from the terror.