
Imperial Sands said: So if we want just dragons, we can indeed do Sacrifices.
If we want something with Riders, here is my idea:
Dragons have always been the figures within Myths that were the Guardians of all Elemental Magic. Since they haven't been seen in over a century, the current generations all believed them to be nothing more than fairytail stories and legends. Even if they were real at some point, surely they extinct now.
However, everything is spun on it's head when an ancient and powerful dragon, known as the Dark Wyrm, rises from it's centuries long slumber, threatening to plunge the world into chaos and corrupting all Elemental Magic. When the Dark Wyrm's influence starts to spreading, causing natural disasters and strange phenomena, it awakens a deep power within the earth, calling the Dragon Guardians from their own rest. Seeing the world in turmoil and the devastation that will be wrought without their interference, they return to the realm of man to take their rightful place as the Guardians.
Despite all their combined power, the Guardians know they cannot beat the Dark Wyrm alone, he is older and stronger than all of them, his power exponentially greater than their own. So, they seek out the very bonds they had forsaken centuries ago: Riders. Only together, Dragons and Riders, can they defeat the Dark Wyrm, returning balance to the world and taking their place as the Last Dragon Riders.

Imperial Sands said: We Shall Take a Vote Sacrifices: 1 Last Guardians: 1

Welcome! You know the drill!

ahahahahha I'm finally first

Im so proud of you my little ray of darkness <3



My lunatic is open for affiliations

I'm literally so excited for this 👀👀👀 Avery and Dev are open for affiliations <3
