
This is one of my biggest pet peeves about people. I've owned so called "dangerous dogs" my entire life, and so many people complain about how my dog just attack them or how it tried to bite their dog. Pitbulls are one of the sweetest dogs out there. Rottweilers as well, any bully breed. Theres no reason for anyone to be afraid of them or try and get the dog taken away because it was playing with someone else's dog. If your life is so miserable that you've got to hate on loyal companions, you have your own problems. Uhh I just had to get that off my chest

the only dog that is truly terrifying are fucking chihuahuas. like, they're always angry for no reason every chihuahua I've met has growled at me and i know the family treats them well- xD

Agree the blizzardborn said: the only dog that is truly terrifying are fucking chihuahuas. like, they're always angry for no reason every chihuahua I've met has growled at me and i know the family treats them well- xD

I owned a pitbull along time when I was really little. She was my best friend and she didn't have a single mean bone in her body. It all just depends on how the dog is trained. Well except for chihuahuas I have no idea what there probelm is. My grandma owned one she spoiled it rotten but it was always mean towards everyone but her.

I recall most walks I take there are always people who move their children away or just move away from our dog as one of them is a Pitbull mix, even people on bikes who pass stare at my dogs. I remember one walk though where I was waiting for my walk signal and a lady came out of the resturant on the corner and said "Oh can I pet your dogs? I couldnt stop myself when I saw one of them had a pitbull smile." This one sentence made my day.
Another instance was a mom and her two children who were out and I heard the mom and I could tell she was nervous as I Walked by with our dogs, so I stopped and let the kids pet our dogs to show it was nothing to be nervous or scared of and it worked.

I own a pit/Great Dane and everyone is scared of him, yet he is so sweet. Heck my Australian Shepard is more dangerous then a pit. And I own a massive bovier who is a sweet dog just very protective of his pack.


Its all about how they are raised, trained, treated, and socialized. Any dog can be wonderful, and any one of them can be a terror. I was attacked by a pitbull back in 2020 and most likely would have been seriously injured if my dog hadnt stepped in and threw him off and pinned him down. I still love bully breeds, and dont blame that dog, it was his owner who was a headcase. Its not fair how so many people hate on these dogs. They are wonderful, and they have such sweet smiles.

I had 2 dogs 2 were pitpull's 1 was a black lab. Edited at February 5, 2022 08:59 PM by awooo

I was almost attacked by a labxpit but my cur stepped in just in time. Other than that all the other pit's I've meet are really awesome. I'm most worried about poodles (I've been attacked by four, all different places, and dogs), and the Jack Russel Terriers.