Follow Eve's rules. No exceptions.
1. Don't make those characters that are just so OP that they can pry an acrocanthosaurus' mouth open without help.
2. Don't steal spotlights.
3. Dont harm someone's character without permission.
4. Your character may have a pet, but it will be an NPC unless it's someone else's dinosaur they made, or someone who doesn't mind posting for a dog, or a cat.
5. Detailed descriptions please.
6. This is a semi-literate to literate RP. 300-500+ words per post please. If there's a new player, or just someone who isn't that literate, maybe I will make an exception and make it 150+ words.
8. Put dino in other if you read this.
9. If you want to make a dinosaur, detailed descriptions are not required.
10. Find the missing number and put it in other for second verification that you actually read these.
11. No heavy romance please. Have it small amounts of it, not whole pages long. This is meant to be a strictly horror topic.
12. No romance with your own characters.
13. Have fun!
14. Third verification. Put the number I said in this sentence in other.