Caelum (say-luhm)
Lone Stallion
(may challenge for the role of Lead Stallion one of these days)
Caelum is a handsome stallion, a silver-diluted dun with faint gray birdcatcher spotting on both sides. He has grayish identifying facial markings, but his eyes are unmistakable - a deep brown that makes one question everything they think they know. His mane and tail are a cloudy gray, and very, very long.
He stands at 15 hands, though he is stockier than most wild horses, with a wide frame and sturdy hindquarters. He has a multitude of scars on his face, shoulders, flanks, and legs from fights, but he wears them proudly to show his strength.
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Stock Credit: Alla-equi on DA
Caelum is stern, especially with his kids, but also gentle. He doesn't bend the truth, preferring to be blunt and harsh than tell a lie. Caelum likes his solitude, but he's finding it harder and harder to stay away from his daughters, Imperia and Astra.
He's stayed loyal to his mate, Myst, even after her death. He would do anything to protect her legacy - Ria and Kodiak.
Imperia and Astra are his daughters
Kodiak is his son
No current mate
Imperia (Ria)
Main Band
Band Mare
Imperia is a light sable-amber champagne color, with off-white birdcatcher spots along her right side. Her chin and throat are a darker sable, and she has a white blaze running down her face. Ria has deep, intelligent brown eyes and short, compact lashes to protect them. Her willowy mane is a dark gold-brown color, though her tail has dark streaks mixed in.
Ria stands at roughly 15 hands, with long legs and powerful shoulders. She has scars on her left flank from a wolf attack as a foal, but no other injuries.
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Stock Credit: Alla-equi on DA
Ria is quite sweet and gentle, despite her sassy persona. While she enjoys her alone time, or just spending time with her older sister, Imperia is fond of the other mares of the herd. She's mature for her age but still likes playing with the younger horses from time to time.
Imperia is, like her father, stern and loyal, to the point that she hates it when someone she cares about is hurt or upset. She can be stubborn, and while she usually likes to think things out, she can also be impulsive.
Band-internal Affiliations:
To Be Determined
Caelum is her father
Astra is her sister
Kodiak is her brother
No foals yet
Ria and Kodiak share a mother, Myst, but Astra is from a one-time pairing.
((I can add Astra (6yrs) and Kodiak (4yrs) as NPCs if we need more numbers later))