a couple of years before the current dogs lived beyond the forest, was a leader who was horrible to the members of his pack. he mistreated them in every way, sometimes he purposely forgot to set out his hunting groups for the next couple of days, causing his pack to starve. if he caught any dogs eating or trying to sneak out during that 3-4 day period he'd pick a fight with them. as he was the leader, he'd always win. eventually, the pack became tired of his crap and all came together to try to drive him out of the pack, making him leave for good. they did succeed at this. happily, for them, they'd never seen any trace of him being in their territory which made the dogs have faith in having a safe life in the forest they'd live in, well, besides the predators, but the dogs could easily kill a fox or two.
one day the ex-leader came back, causing a bunch of stress for the new pack. they heard rumours but never even thought that the leader was an actual dog, they'd thought it was all just a myth. the pack knew he couldn't claim his spot as leader again, he could drive them nuts, possibly even drive the pack out of their home and into a new place. all of the six dogs that resided beside one another decided they wouldn't let him take over the place they'd called home for years, so without hesitation, every one of them started to fight back though the current leader wouldn't dare risk any of their pack members lives over a dog that was nothing to nobody. will the ex-leader leave the territory for good this time, or will he continue to come back?
a quiet place, not that deep into the forest, surrounded by large oak and pine trees. the dogs all slept in a deep den beneath the surface of the earth, every dog that had resided in the burrow dug and added onto the space until they felt it was large enough for dogs to eat and sleep, possibly play in.
- this is a semi-literate RP, no RP responses under 200 words unless you have PMed me beforehand stating why you can't meet the writing standards. if you have writer's block, i strongly encourage you to try your best to meet the standard word amount. three strikes and you're out. :)
- no mating scenes allowed, take it to the PMS.
- please don't clog up the thread with your nonsense, that's what the discussion forum is for. pm me all of your questions. reservations last 24 hrs
- don't have more characters than you can handle. please, don't. you're taking up spots other WP players might want to have, it harms nobody but still, don't be selfish.
- i will pm you if your character is accepted, i don't wanna clog the sign-ups with random shit that can be easily not there? i dont know how to explain it and i dont care
- use proper grammar, again, three strikes and you're out.
- in other, put your dog's name so i know you've read the rules, and this far especially.
- if you have more than two characters, they must be the opposite gender, y'know, cus gender ratios and all of that ^^
- use proper crediting if you use pictures for your appearance, or else you won't be accepted at all.
- you're not allowed at all to have your own two characters as mates, or crushes. not at all.
leaders (1/2)
- (m)
- (f) esmera, M I S E R Y #282271
betas (1/2)
- (f) athena, @selena #286095
- (m)
hunter, patrollers (1/2)
- (m)
- (f) apartheid, @reverie #287079
regular members (1/2)
- (m)
- (f) shep, @the midnight wolves #281423
sign up form
pack name, number
breed (can only be purebred if they were a former house dog)
you are allowed to add any other info to the form, just nothing too long.