Name: Crest
Gender: Male
Age: 146 (About 14 in human yrs.)
Sexuality: Gay
Type: Fire Dragon
Tribe: Sand Tribe
•Crest has fireproof scales, that are pretty strong.
•Can breath small amounts of fire and unless he's angry/emotional his fire is not usually very hot.
•Night vision. Although he can't see very well at night he can see better than most creatures.
•Enhanced sight. He can see farther and better than most creatures.
•Heat radiation; his body radiates heat. He can somewhat control this, and use it to burn enemies.
•Enhanced speed. Though he's somewhat slow comparws to his tribe he's faster than most other dragons/creatures.
Power Drawbacks(Didn't want my boi to be op):
•His scales are extremely sensitive to snow/ice/cold powers.
•Crest's eyes are more sensitive to light than others. Lots of light can cause him to have headaches.
Appearance: Crest is fairly small dragon, though he is on the heavier side. He stands at 7'1ft. at his shoulders, and his wingspan is 10t. He weights around 145lbs. He had dark black, curved horns and long, black claws. His wings are a pale cream that's nearly white, and are pretty strong. He has fire proof scales that are a creamy color similar to sand. His underbelly is a dark ruby color and is tougher than his other scales. He has almond shaped amber eyes.
Short Description: A small, chuby male fire dragon with fireproof cream scales, and nearly white wings. His underbelly scales are hard and a dark ruby color. He has long, curved black horns and long, black claws. His eyes are amber.
•Crest is fairly gullible, and tends to get tricked by others. He's not a very smart dragon.
•He'll go along with what the group is doing and rarely voices his opion. If the group binds their wings and jumps off a cliff he will too.
•Though he does what the group does he's pretty brave when he's alone.
Crush: Orca
Mate: N/A(Too young)
Rank: Chosen one
•Very quick and agile.
•He'd make a good scout.
•He blends in extremely well with sand.
•He's build/suited for a hot environment with little water and open spaces where he can move around.
•Little claustrophobic, more of a dislike than a fear though.
•Loves water and values his hygiene; though he does love rolling in mud.