Name: Leaf
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Wolf Appearance: Leaf has a black under coat. Her chest and tail tip are white. Leaf has orange patches spread out across her fur. Leaf's fur is fluffy around the chest and tail, everywhere else is long but sleek. Leaf has one green eye and one brown eye. Unfourtunally Leaf was born with only half of her left ear.
Personality: Despite her ear, Leaf is very good humered. Leaf is very young and playfull. Leaf has two brothers, so she enjoys roughhousing and playfighting. Leaf is very up-beat and spunky. Leaf enjoys helping taking care of the younger pups.
Strengths: Acurate eyesight, fighting, flexable (helps her fit through small spaces), tracking
Weaknesses: Slight hearing loss, clausterphobic, shorter legs, (not deformed, just shorter), OCD
Other: Has two brothers, her dad left when her and her brothers were born, lost her sister when she was 4.
Human Form
Leaf is 4'6, she has dark black hair. Leaf was born with a rare skin condition that causes her skin to have a few slightly darker patches. She has a slimer build. Leaf's hair is long and frizzy. Leaf has been bullied for her hight many times. Leaf has to wear a hearing aid on her left ear because she is missing part of her ear. Leaf gets complements for her different colored eyes.