Wolf Play : Fortune of Gold [Silver x Vah]
01:37:49 Skye
Oh I hate that
-WP Click-
 Sunset Ghosts
01:37:10 Pit
Oh I misread that, dream is free. I'm silly
01:36:52 evebot
Go to Pack > Pack Activities > Manage Palettes
01:36:11 Skye
Yeah I'm definitely gonna miss the underlines. Underline=link in my mind
 Sunset Ghosts
01:35:57 Pit
What did I do to get the dream pallete?
01:35:16 Skye
Dream palette isn't too bad. My premium ran out and I don't play enough currently to reactive it but I'm curious to see how my custom one looks now
 Sunset Ghosts
01:35:00 Pit
Ew I'm definitely changing my pack colors if I keep it though lol
 Sunset Ghosts
01:34:43 Pit
I really like the bark pallete... might be unpopular but I love the dull yellow
01:33:52 Chrissy
i don't see much difference in my palette.
01:33:15 Skye
I'll have to try out some of the other palettes
01:32:41 Wind, Lavender
I think the green palette brings a sense a nostalgia for playing WP coming from someone who hasn't been on here for a while lol
01:32:40 evebot
The modern palette in the forum is chefs kiss.
01:32:30 Skye
I don't personally find the color changes from black to green font to be more modern, it reminds me of like, a project Google doc
01:31:34 Wind, Lavender

Yep, I realized after I posted T_T
I always thought the green fits cause like... forest. Wolves. I dunno but I will say the other palette choices work as well
01:31:15 Wind, Lavender
Recently, I changed my palette to Dream, and I've found it to be better than the default palette.
 Sunset Ghosts
01:31:11 Pit
Gotcha, that makes sense
 Sunset Ghosts
01:30:54 Pit
And I'm bad at reading jokes
01:30:43 evebot
Everything is the same size. Its just missing the border so it looks smaller.


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Fortune of Gold [Silver x Vah]July 3, 2024 06:53 PM


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Kalen didn't bother to wince or flinch at all. That was all he could do was to just get out of the area. He could hear the centaurs close behind as he threw himself through the glass doors. While for the most part, he felt relatively fine--if just a few scrapes and loose cuts.

He couldn't see the streak across his face. But at this point, he was sweating too hard to figure out he was injured in the first place.

"Are you good?" Kalen asked quickly, sweeping in a deep breath. "We may have to fly and get out of here."

Blood was a powerful scent and an easy tracker.

Unless they weren't on the ground.

But flight, now, was a threat as well. Especially if the centaurs were armed. So he just kept running with her in his arms. "Janet, are you good?" He echoed the words, breathless. "Can you see if they're behind us?"

Fortune of Gold [Silver x Vah]July 9, 2024 02:42 PM

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Janet’s hold on him increases slightly as they break through the door, glass shattering around them. She could tell she’d acquired a few scratches and could only assume Kalen had one or two as well.

She opened her eyes, unaware that she’d closed them earlier. She was a little distracted trying to look behind them when Kalen spoke, her only reply a short hum before her brain caught up.

“Um, yeah. I think I’m okay, but they’re still behind us and kind of, maybe gaining on us?” She winces at her answer, but the centaurs were getting closer which wasn’t really surprising since they were half horse.

“Maybe you could fly up onto one of the taller rooftops? It is not like they can climb a ladder and then we can figure out what to do, possibly try to find a greyhound like we were going to earlier.”

Fortune of Gold [Silver x Vah]July 9, 2024 03:10 PM


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Aside from the fact that he was currently running out of stamina, Kalen was worried. But Janet was okay--so she said--and her answer was not the most comforting. The doors had only slowed them down slightly. Which made sense, after all, they had hooves.

Broken glass wouldn't matter much to them.

His chest lifted with a deep breath as he called the glittering white wings back and took a sweeping leap. His arms tightened on Janet, aiming to fly toward the top of one of the nearest buildings.

Luckily, it seemed like the cyclops was stuck inside the library until someone could go rescue him.

What Kalen hadn't expected was taking an arrow to the shoulder. It caught him off guard but not enough to plummet below, but he limped through the air and onto an apartment building instead.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he nearly dropped Janet, struggling to lift his arm at all. "I promise--I'm going to be fine. Just don't panic." He finally got a glimpse of her scratches, feeling a touch guilty. He was probably lucky he didn't have a mirror to look at the glaring gash across his face and several other cuts.

Fortune of Gold [Silver x Vah]July 9, 2024 10:27 PM

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Janet held her breath as he took off, eyes wide with awe as the ground fell away. Even if they were being chased, she couldn’t help being a little amazed by the fact that Kalen could fly.

That was until Kalen pitched forward that momentary wonder vanished from Janet, replaced by horror when she saw the fletching of an arrow sprouting from his shoulder. His wings seemed to stutter before resuming a shaky rhythm and landing on the roof of a building.

Janet slipped out of his arms the moment he was on the roof, ignoring his reassurances that he’d ‘be fine’ as if she was the one who was shot. She gave him a quick once over for any other serious injuries, noting a few small slices on his arms and a nasty cut on his face before taking a look at the arrow wound.

“Yeah, no. You’re not fine,” She mutters, carefully inspecting the area to the best of her ability without touching him or the projectile. She’d never been in a situation that involved an arrow wound other than hunting, so she wasn’t anywhere near as much help as she wished she was. The best she could do right now was some first aid that had been mandatory in her life.

“As long as we don’t pull the arrow out it should slow the blood loss down, I could snap the shaft though.” She continues nervously, thinking out loud. “I don’t have any medical stuff with me, but I might be able to find some in this building?”

Fortune of Gold [Silver x Vah]July 9, 2024 11:35 PM


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"I'm fine," Kalen insisted in return, pushing her away gently. He didn't dare push her too much, for fear of hurting her--and the fact his left arm refused to move that far or fast. "It's going to be fine. We don't have time to focus on that right now. We have to leave."

He didn't know if they could manage ladders or stairs but he did know that the centaurs didn't start out as centaurs. They had human-like forms that could maybe do stairs and ladders.

The pain blurred in his mind and his words, one hand trying to wipe the sweat from his face--only succeeded in smearing blood around. He looked less like he was fine and much more like the mess he truly was. Strange.

"We need to leave," Kalen insisted. "And as soon as possible," he stumbled to the side of the apartment's roof access door, taking a moment to regather his swimming thoughts. As he tugged on the metal door, he found himself facing a problem. The singular and only problem?

It seemed to be locked. It prevented access from anyone without a key.

"Oh for the love of Hera--"

Fortune of Gold [Silver x Vah]July 11, 2024 07:09 PM

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“No, you’re not fine.” Janet snapped, but didn't stop him from pushing her as she was scared of hurting him further. “Your muscles are obviously damaged and moving around could make it worse,”

She sighed in exasperation when he brushed off her concern and tried to clean his face off before he haltingly made his way to the door on the roof. She trailed behind him, ready to offer help when needed whether he wanted it or not.

Unsurprisingly, the door was locked when Kalen tried to open it.

“Well, scratch that.” Janet mumbled, looking around the roof for a solution for their dilemma.

There was no way they could get down a ladder without Kalen falling or hurting himself more and there wasn’t really anything else they could use. The door could be an option if they could find a tool or something that might break the lock, but maybe they wouldn’t need to break the door?

“Hey Kalen, do you by any chance know how to pick a lock?” She asks, turning back to him and the door. “Cause that could be our way off this roof.”

Fortune of Gold [Silver x Vah]July 11, 2024 07:15 PM


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Did he know how to pick a lock? Regrettably, yes, he did. As a son of the god of thieves, it was not exactly one of his 'favorite' abilities to show off.

Kalen paused for a moment or two, forcing himself to think through his pain. It was all swirling together before he pressed his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small paper clip. Usually, he used two hands. However, with one hand, it took a bit longer.

It took a moment or two, maybe a good thirty seconds, before the lock clicked.

"Do I know how? Not entirely," he admitted and pulled the door open with his good hand. "Can I figure it out rather well? ... yes."

It was a sharp--if not completely different--ability from the wings he bore. The wings were really the only stark magical thing about him from his godly parent. The rest was all instinctual.

Kalen stepped inside, leaning against the wall as he pulled the door closed behind Janet and locked it again.

"This is a great start," he mumbled.

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