Wolf Play : (Glowmire) Milos Dock
11:17:09 Petri Dish/Oh Naauur
Guess who just stumbled across Outside In.
 Hells Bells
11:12:57 Ven/Vex
For real though. Imgbb doesn't work for me, none of the images work right in the forums
11:11:53 ET
Ah, looks like it. When isn't postimg down, to be honest?
 Hells Bells
11:10:03 Ven/Vex
Is postimg down for anyone else?
 Mistress Nyx
RP actions are not allowed.
 Sea Coast
Hey I can take them back!!
 Thunder Struck
10:58:50 Thunder
criticism please :>
-WP Click-
 Autumn's Fire
10:54:34 Autumn . . . ?
Not anymore
 Arctic Moon
10:54:06 NY, Malo, Arctic
Wait has chat been dead for a full half hour?
 Arctic Moon
10:50:17 NY, Malo, Arctic
Skyfall howls at the moon! 23 wolves hear them, and 15 howl back!

My ExH 50 *facepalms*
10:20:33 Cloudz, Pumpkin
Yeah me too or ill just ignore them xD they shouldve pointed out months ago
serene, nah.
10:18:20 ET
Aight, I gotta get back to this AF attack B) won't draw itself.

Good luck with the work shenanigans though! Just gotta hope they get moved to a different department or something I guess LMAO
10:15:09 Cloudz, Pumpkin
Yeah i know, i have a few friends at work who are girls and arent drama, its just some of the girls at my job are so much drama is overwhelmes me
10:13:49 ET
Girls aren't all drama, y'know. Sounds like you're just around the wrong girls ahah.

I've seen plenty of drama with blokes too
10:13:47 Gel,Jello,Jells
She and all the Jasmine dropping creatures just like to cyber bully us in explore LMAO
10:13:46 Cloudz, Pumpkin
whats worse, is this girl who was my "friend" knows i dont pick up on social cues easily because of my health problems and before i met my boyfriend I isolated my self and she still does this... she knows i have bad health issues and a disability
10:12:33 ✧ ren
-WP Click-
Should I keep this? :,))
10:12:04 Ash H:H!!
My mouth is on fire😭
 Avatar Of Lust
10:10:57 Asmodeus (he/they)
Natures Heart hunts prey and brings it to Sugar Rush

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Mood: Triumphant


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    (Glowmire) Milos DockJuly 5, 2023 01:42 AM

Sunset Ghosts

Posts: 976
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Before interacting with this page make sure you sign up for GLOWMIRE
Welcome to Milo's Dock! It will usually be empty here, but every so often you can find special deals and awesome items here!

As you approach the edge of the cliffs today, a small rigging system and a tied up dingy greet you, soon accompanied by a small goat, wolf hybrid creature. He grins as you and flicks his tail.
"Hello there! I've just pulled into port! Got some great deals this time, I'll also buy any Psychedelics from you and pay higher prices for river fish!"
He drags a net out and let's it unfold in front out you, an array of interesting items unfurling before you.
(Milo's items are one time buys only! Meaning once one person buys the item its gone unless multiple are listed. Milo will leave once he's sold all his items or after three days in Glowmire.)
(Food for specific pets that offer permanently boosted stats)
Bear Kibble - 30 pinecones
Dinosaur Kibble - 30 pinecones
Dragon Kibble - 30 pinecones
-Pet Collars-
(A Collar for your pet gives them the undying effect, meaning they cannot be killed, though they can be wounded and knocked out.)
Amethyst Pet Collar - 35 pinecones
Ruby and Emerald Pet Collar - 50 pinecones
Aquamarine Pet Collar - 45 pinecones
Iron Pet Collar - 20 pinecones
Silver Pet Collar - 30 pinecones
Gold Pet Collar - 50 pinecones
-Pet Armor-
(An orb with a button that when pressed, gives any animal a suit of Armor, granting them boosts in defense stats while they're wearing it)
Chain Pet Armor (-10 DPH) - 100 pinecones
Bone Pet Armor (-20 DPH) - 200 pinecones
-Mythical Items-
(Magical pieces from Milo's far away travels that offer permanent stat bonuses)
Forigen Candy - 50 pinecones
(A candy that grants +10 HP and +5 Luck to whatever eats it, resident or pet)
Forigen Fruit - 100 pinecones
(A fruit that grants +20 HP and +10 Luck to whatever eats it, resident or pet)
Enchanted Sword - 150 pinecones
(A sword that cannot miss its target, granting 25 DPH, be warned though, this can sometimes put the user in harms way)
Enchanted Sheild - 200 pinecones
(A shield that floats around you like a ward, protecting you from every hit, however, while in use it will not allow you to leave its circle or pick things up)
Enchanted Bow - 250 pinecones
(A bow that never misses its mark, granting 20 DPH no matted what arrows are used, be warned though, any arrows said to do more damage will also only do 20)
Enchanted Arrows - 200 pinecones
(A Quiver of 20 arrows that will never miss their mark. Their damage is dependent on the bow they're shot with, though.)
-Room Decor-
(Planning to stay in Glowmire for a while? Decorate your room with fish tanks, animal habitats and furniture!)
-You will receive animal habitats and fishtanks and are expected to edit them yourself with the fish files given(transparent files are sent to you pms) PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED ME TO EDIT YOUR FILE. I DONT MIND.
Small Fish Tank (5 max) - 135 pinecones
(Can house small fish such as Betas, mollies, plecos and things in that size group)
Large Fish Tank (10 max) - 300 pinecones
(Can house all fish, but large Fish may eat small fish if they're not given a hiding spot)
Chicken Coop (5 max) - 100 pinecones
(Can house chicken, turkey and quail. You can sell the eggs to Torka!)
Bug Habitat (1 max) - 30 pinecones
Cat-ify! - 50 pinecones
(Put up carpeted shelves and cat trees galore for your pet freind! Cats, bears and foxes love this option!)
Agility Course - 50 pinecones
(Put up some jumps, tunnels and poles for your pet friends! Dogs, dragon types and sea monsters love this option!)
-Room Animals-
(Animals you raise in your fishtanks and habitats, you cannot take these from their enclosures in your room and you MUST have the correct enclosure for each. Also you can't mix fresh and saltwater fish)
Freshwater Snail - 10 pinecones
Saltwater Snail - 10 pinecones
Freshwater Pleco Fish - 15 pinecones
Saltwater Minnow- 15 pinecones
Freshwater Betta Fish - 20 pinecones
Saltwater Angelfish - 20 pinecones
Freshwater Koi Fish - 25 pinecones
Saltwater Parrotfish - 25 pinecones
Freshwater Goldfish - 20 pinecones
Saltwater Clownfish - 20 pinecones
Freshwater Ray - 30 pinecones
Saltwater Ray - 30 pinecones
Freshwater Zebrafish - 20 pinecones
Saltwater Eel - 40 pinecones
Freshwater Mollie - 40 pinecones
Saltwater Shark Egg - 50 pinecones
Mouse - 25 pinecones - ×3
Hamster - 30 pinecones
(Must have a Chicken Coop)
Chicken - 30 pinecones - ×3
Turkey - 40 pinecones - ×3
Quail - 50 pinecones - ×3
(Require Bug Habitat)
Praying Mantis - 25 pinecones
Rhino Beetle - 35 pinecones
Scorpion - 45 pinecones
Tarantula - 55 pinecones
He forked a paw back at his boat and smiled.
"I'll also take you Open Ocean fishing for a small fee, but I'll provide the bait."
Fish with Milo - 30 pinecones for 5 meat chunks

Edited at July 8, 2024 10:17 AM by Sunset Ghosts
    (Glowmire) Milos DockAugust 18, 2023 12:45 PM

Sunset Ghosts

Posts: 976
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Milo will return on July 8th

Edited at July 7, 2024 01:08 PM by Sunset Ghosts
(Glowmire) Milos DockAugust 12, 2023 09:11 PM


Posts: 5645
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Rocky - canine
" hello Milo, it's nice to meet you " spoke Rocky as he stepped closer to the net
As the blue wolf took a look at the items for sale , he glanced over at Milo " I actually have some river fish I would like to sell you " Rocky said, as he pulled his net with fish out " I would also like to buy the large fish tank and a Shark egg " spoke Rocky with a bit of excitement about getting a fish tank
(Glowmire) Milos DockAugust 13, 2023 10:16 AM

Sunset Ghosts

Posts: 976
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Milo smiled back sweetly, a tired look on his face replaced with a starved one as the net of River Fish was brought out.
"Oh, yum! I'd be happy to take those off your hands!"
His ears then perked as he listened to Rocky's order.
"Sure, no problem! I'll just take what I owe you for the fish off your bill aaanndd..."
He scribbled something down and seemed to do a bit of counting in his head before he perked up again.
"65 pinecones, please!"
He gratefully takes payment before pushing a small button on the side of the fish tank. It quickly folded up into a small briefcase, draining the water inside it.
"It'll automatically refill once you deploy it again, just never put it away while there are fish inside."
-You've got a Large Fishtank! This can hold up to 10 fish of any kind, though they must all be saltwater or freshwater-
(This is your fishtank, it's transparent so you can decorate it however you'd like.)
-You've got a Saltwater Shark Egg!-
You should wait til it hatches to name it.
Milo tilts his head with a happy smile.
"Anything else I can get you today?"
(Glowmire) Milos DockAugust 13, 2023 11:17 AM


Posts: 976
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Hey Milo! I have heard so much about you! Heard you like these mushrooms? Also could I get 3 small fish tanks and get a betta, a pleco, and a mollie?
(after my real life fish lol)
(Glowmire) Milos DockAugust 13, 2023 01:44 PM

Sunset Ghosts

Posts: 976
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Milo grinned and happily nodded.
"I'd love the mushrooms, but I've only got one small fish tank. Those three should be pretty comfortable in there though. You could even add two more if you wanted. These mushrooms arent very expensive, Ill take what i owe you for them out of your price but it doesnt help much."
-You've spent 100 pinecones-
-You've got a Small Fish Tank!-
You can fit up to 5 small fish in here.
(Here's your Fish Tank! It's Transparent so you can decorate it however you'd like.)
-You've got a Freshwater Betta Fish!-
-You've got a Freshwater Pleco Fish!-
-You've got a Freshwater Mollie Fish!-
As Milo took the pinecones, the tank packed itself into a small briefcase, and Milo handed Ocean the three bags to safely put in her pouch.
"The tank will refill when you deploy it and there should be enough food in there to last through their lives. Was there anything else you wanted today?"

Edited at August 13, 2023 03:02 PM by Sunset Ghosts
(Glowmire) Milos DockAugust 13, 2023 02:43 PM


Posts: 5645
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Rocky - canine
Rocky's tail waged a bit in excitement after he made his purchase " oh , I almost forgot " he said. He reached up and grabbed Napoleon off of his hat " I found this guy in the swamp, Torka said you would have a better idea of what he would eat , I just want to make sure he's able to eat " spoke Rocky as he showed Milo the salamander
(Glowmire) Milos DockAugust 13, 2023 02:55 PM

Sunset Ghosts

Posts: 976
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Milo crouched down to look at the little Salamander and grinned.
"Aww, what a cutie! I had one when I was a kid. Yea they can eat. He'll pretty much feed himself but if you wanna give him a little treat you can find Crickets or give him any little scraps of meat from your dinner."
Milo sighed a bit and looked toward the inn.
"Swamp Critters give Torka the creeps, I can see why she sent you to me."
(Glowmire) Milos DockAugust 13, 2023 03:15 PM


Posts: 5645
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Rocky - canine
After the question was answered he put Napoleon back up his hat " thanks for answering my question Milo " he said in an happy tone . " I can understand why some of them are a bit different "
as he went to grab the fish tank briefcase " do you have an idea on how long it will take for the shark egg to hatch ? " Rocky asked
(Glowmire) Milos DockAugust 13, 2023 03:22 PM

Sunset Ghosts

Posts: 976
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Milo shook his head and shrugged
"Nah, sorry, I catch them at different stages. One day you'll just walk into your room and he'll be there!"

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