Wolf Play : The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}
02:22:13 Leon

Sorry about that

I saw someone said they lived in California lol

But IÂ’m good, thanks for asking. Should probably sleep soon
02:17:57 Lil Techy | Techno

bruh XD
 Blood lust tide
02:17:09 BewareWhoYouTrust
 Blood lust tide
02:17:00 BewareWhoYouTrust
3 am sleep o e no sleep 🤔
 Blood lust tide
02:16:36 BewareWhoYouTrust
02:14:59 Kaz
I usually don't but apparently the one time I wear an open backed shirt the sun just has to be scorching ;-;

Also my fault for not putting sunscreen on lol
 Blood lust tide
02:13:48 BewareWhoYouTrust
Nerver got sunburn
02:13:30 Lil Techy | Techno

felt that
02:13:20 Lil Techy | Techno

I was so confused XD how're you?
02:13:08 Kaz
sunburn on your back is the worst ;-;
 Blood lust tide
02:12:10 BewareWhoYouTrust
Soul Of A Witch
Hunting me lol
02:10:56 Leon
Oops, was viewing old message before refreshing T^T
02:10:17 Lil Techy | Techno
02:09:40 Leon
ThatÂ’s where I live too :)
-WP Click-
 Night Shade
02:06:26 Graves | Chaos
I'm nauseous
01:50:49 Lil Techy | Techno

I hope to see more of it then if you are staying around. I love those sorts of animations :D
 Sunset Ghosts
01:47:25 Pit
Also thank you I really appreciate that. ^^ I've been practicing recently
 Sunset Ghosts
01:46:54 Pit
I've been around for about a year! I took a long hiatus a little while ago, though
01:46:51 I overthink this-
-WP Click-


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The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 23, 2019 12:41 PM

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Damian | M | Bi | insanity | mentions: everyone

Damian smiled at felicity blushing slightly. as he was about to return her words shadow rudely interrupted. he seemed to choke on air for a second his blush becoming more evident. "I-...wh- uh..." his words were lost in his throat. truthfully comments like theses wouldn't normally affect him, in fact he may have give a small chuckle if it were not for the circumstances. felicity seemed to be different than anyone else hes had relations with. what scared him the most is that he didn't know why.

he took a breath before turning back to felicity a blush still dusting his cheeks. "love ya too" he spoke calmly despite what he felt. Damian gave her a peck on the lips before heading off toward their new home for the next little while. he opened the door and looked around, it was strange being in a house other than the mansion. quietly he stepped in and began to look around. everything much much more new and clean than back in the woods. the kitchen floors were white for once and not oddly stained with blood and dirt. Damian chuckled slightly they wouldn't be clean for long knowing everyone and how careless they could be.

as he was finished exploring he went up the stairs noting that they weren't creaky the ones at the mansion. he found a decent room before flopping onto the bed. the sheets smelt sweet like they were freshly cleaned he smiled. maybe a vacation wasn't so bad on the other hand it was only the first day and he knew that a bunch of murders inside one house without the freedom to destroy as they please was not a good thing.

Edited at August 23, 2019 12:45 PM by Aselk
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 23, 2019 02:33 PM

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Krow Rorin - M - Bi - Insanity - Mentions: Everyone
Felicity Rouge - F - Bi - Murderer - Mentions: Everyone
Kross Kasai - M - Bi - Murderer - Mentions: Everyone
Aria Rose - F - Bi - Insanity - Mentions: Everyone
Insanity - M - Bi - Guess - Mentions: Everyone

Krow sat on the couch, head in his hands. One thought ran through his mind. I should be dead... He was thinking about how he was alive ever since he came back. Which was yesterday. He didn't even know how it happened. Only parts of the memory were in his mind. Parts he didn't want to think about...

Felicity blushed a little as Shadow interrupted. She actually felt slightly mad, but couldn't think of anything to say back. She could have said a sarcastic remark or a joke, but it got lost in her throat. She blushed slightly as Damian kissed her cheek. A smile crept on to her lips, and a hand ran through her prussian blue hair. She walked inside the house, hands in the pockets of her baggy black pants.

Kross looked at his lover's face, smiling. His heart was full of love and his eyes were full of happiness. He was mostly happy to be spending time on vacation with his lover, but he was also happy to eat as much ice cream as he wanted. Insanity was now standing beside him, a smirk on his face. "Having a good time, Control?" He said suspiciously. Kross only rolled his eyes, ignoring Insanity.

Aria looked to her cousin, giggling. She then turned to face Nova. "Love you, boo." She said with a smile. Years ago, Aria would never have dreamed about loving someone this much. That feeling never even came in her mind. Now, she couldn't stop. All these emotions... It was hard for her to process it all, but at the same time couldn't believe she ever lived without this.
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 24, 2019 08:36 PM


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My Crazy Ass Characters//Mentions: Everyone Idiot

Kelly looked over at Frost and raised and eyebrow. Wasn't Frost going to basically die in this heat? Kelly sighed and ran a hand through her short hair. "How you hanging in there Frosty?" She asked as he got out of the car. She chuckled as Frost seemed to be hissing at sun. "Not too good I assume..." She shook her head has she chuckled again. "Hey let's go inside. I bet there is AC and ice cream and who knows what else! Worse case scenario, I just dump a bunch of ice in one of the tubs. Does that sound like a better plan than hissing at the sun and hiding in the shade?"

George got out of the car, glancing at the huge house. His first thoughts were how huge and expensive it looked. Well, actually his first thoughts were how starving he was. So I guess his second thoughts were how big and expensive the house looked as he stared in awe. How could they even afford this?! Sure, George did little side jobs sometimes to get some money, but how did they get enough money for this?! Oh right. Stealing probably. He just stared in a amazement before-

"Jesus fucking Christ!!" He yelled after moving away at the last possible second. -someone tried to run him over in a flashy green suit on a motorcycle. He knew it could only be one asshole... The man took his helmet off and shook his head and smiled slyly.

"Well hello Georgie! Sure seems like you missed me," The devilish man said. Jeremy Kalis. The worst of the people there. He pick pockets, steals, is a con, is slightly charming, and is a fan of poison. He ran worked at a casino at age 18. He was the scum of the Earth in George's eyes.

"I didn't miss you and your annoying ass..," George muttered dusting himself off as his voice seemed to be dripping with poison.

"So you were looking at my ass?" Jeremy asked with a smirk as he tilted his head and got off the motorcycle.

"What I didn't-!!" He said his face growing red with anger and embarrassment. "I wasn't-! That's not what I-!!"

"Suuure," He said with a smirk before starting to walk towards the house with helmet in hand.

"Assmunch...," George muttered as he glared at him.
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 27, 2019 12:52 PM

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Frost | F | Bi | insanity | mentions: everyone

Frost looked up at kelly, the mention of AC stopped her hissing. Quickly she jumped up and hesitantly walked into the sun instantly regretting her choice. The sun burned her skin which was already melted at this point. Her hair was soaked with a mixture of sweat and frost that had thawed. Her ability's refused to work in this heat, she was on her own for the moment.

Frost hugged herself trying to cool down her body temperature even if just for a second. "k-kelly..." she stuttered against her own will, this was definitely worse than freezing to death. slowly she walked out of the car wishing for this torture to be over already.

Lucas | M | Homo | no clue at this point... | mentions: Everyone.

Lucas watched as George almost got run over, quietly he growled to himself. Still hugging the tree he was shaking, he thankful that George hadn't noticed his childish behavior yet. gritting his teeth he looked away not wanting to get in a fight, at least not yet. He looked to the sky, the sun beaming down on them. He smiled slightly having been in a basement for most of you're existence he had never been to a place like this before.

As his shaking calmed he let go of the tree and looked back to George smiling when he noticed the dunce was walking away. quietly he snuck up behind George and pounced on him. "Hi George!!

sorry kinda short...)

Edited at August 27, 2019 12:52 PM by Aselk
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}August 27, 2019 01:24 PM

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Jace Cardinal (soon to be Fallen) | Homo | Insanity | M: Draven, (ind.) everyone

Jace woke up with a start, growling to himself. He got up, put his shoes on and trudged out of the vehicle. He was sporting a tight, sports-bra type top, covered by a cropped hoodie and short(extremely) shorts. He had knee socks on and white vans, his long hair pinned up. He skipped over to the house and gazed on the sight, smiling. He yawned and opened the doors, his silver eyes landing upon his fiancé. He gave a small smirk then walked over, cooing as he snuggled to his side. He fit perfectly against the larger demon, his small frame looking tiny next to Draven's.

His tail swished and curled as he purred, stretching into a cat-like position. Jace let out a soft yawn and glanced around, his eyes narrowing. He was hungry. Not giving into the hungry grumbling that his abdomen gave out, He closed his eyes, curling up against his partner's warm body.

Edited at September 16, 2021 12:29 PM by Potatoes and Paws
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}January 17, 2021 12:39 AM

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The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}January 19, 2021 07:30 PM


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I am heavily debating wether or not I should post on this... SHould I?? Is it illegal????
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}January 20, 2021 01:41 PM

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no no no.
very much legal ;)
(am no random person. am very much Arugala on side account.)

Edited at January 22, 2021 11:44 AM by Clockster
The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}January 20, 2021 09:01 PM


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George/M/Homo/Controlling/Insanity/M: Lucas(Dir) + Everyone(Ind)

(Thanks random person! I’ll take your advice!! :) If I get arrested though I am coming for you in your sleep haha I didn’t say anything!)

George jolted, his whole body tensing as his hazel eyes went wide. Was he being attacked? What was going on? The split second seemed to slow as his eyes gave off a soft orange glow. Was he going to die? Was he about to be drugged again? Oh no no no no no! George whipped around fully prepared to-

“Oh,” George whispered quietly, more to reassure himself than to really talk to Lucas. “It’s just you.” George didn’t realize how tight his throat felt until he remembered to breathe, his hands shaking slightly. George swallowed hard, feeling awful for not saying something more as the silence dragged on. George gave a horse chuckle as he fiddled with the hem of his hoodie nervously. “Don’t scare me like that you big dummy! You nearly gave me a heart-attack!! You’re glad I didn’t kneel over and die just now.” George gave a silent gasp as a smug smirk came to his lips. Yeah. That smirk. The one that said he was up to something.

“Oh, Lucas!” George cried dramatically as he quickly sank to the ground. “I think you actually did give me a heart-attack!!” George flopped to the ground, placing a hand over his heart with one hand and reaching up to Lucas with the other. “Goodbye cruel wooooooorld! Bleh.” And just like that, George faked his death for the second time that month. Sticking his tongue out and closing his eyes, George pretended to be ‘dead’ for five long seconds before opening one eye as a sly grin curved its way onto his face. “Did my theatrics impress you? Can I get a kiss for my efforts too maybe?~”

(Oof huge writer’s block, I’m sorry-)

The Murder Mansions Scenarios {Now OPEN!}September 16, 2021 12:29 PM

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ahh D:

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