Wolf Play : The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP Thread
04:24:10 She/her
Oh fei I have an update for you xD I got a viti now
04:19:32 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Feiella you're actually stalking me. It's not even funny anymore
I ran into your pack again in Jungle 7.
04:14:45 Fei the writer
Is that?
04:02:41 Reign / Lucky / Bear
lol but it's good to go again now xd
04:01:53 Ash H:H!!
Help the way I looked in sales and saw the word fix 🤣
03:59:40 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Yayy XD
03:58:30 Reign / Lucky / Bear
ayy, there we go :) sales is fixed :)
 Doomsday Blue
03:56:37 Doom (they/them)
[chaotic laughter]
03:56:19 Reign / Lucky / Bear
lol I need one more fix but it won't let me
03:55:01 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Yea it's fixable
You need to change the end of your URL from "ad" to "gen"
 Red River Wolves
03:54:29 Redd
My dumbass read someone broke sales chat and switched over to see it without reading how to fix it. I had log off and on again.
03:54:02 Ash H:H!!
-WP Click-
-WP Click-

Name ideas :3?
 Doomsday Blue
03:53:31 Doom (they/them)
I'm on mobile, so it took me a while to get out
 Doomsday Blue
03:53:10 Doom (they/them)
Saw that ;-;
03:52:31 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Insane Sanity broke Sales Chat.
03:52:16 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
The only way out of Sales Chat now is to change the URL at the top from "cchan=ad" to "cchan=gen"
 Doomsday Blue
03:51:59 Doom (they/them)
What's up
03:51:47 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
You broke Sales Chat.
03:51:00 Boe is a bear, Rawr!
Bye Amy :(
03:50:07 Amy
Gotta go
Bye chat


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The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 07:29 PM

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<div style="text-align: center;">Valentina M. Lopez//"Jinx"//F//25/Insanity//Illusionist//M: Open
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">The burning sun directed itself towards the woman laying in bed. Long arms emerged from the black and white decorated sheets. Suddenly, a face was revealed as the covers were ripped off of her body. A very feminine figure yawned and arose to sit upright on the cushion supported by springs. For a few moments, Valentina debated on whether or not to exit the room and actual communicate with others, which she doesn't do often. Valentina, also known as "Jinx," stood from her bed and got dressed into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a black tight-fitted long sleeve shirt, and black converse. She dressed like a typical teen, though an adult, so it seems as though she is far from insane, yet, normal.<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">She made her way to the door that was closed to ensure privacy and held onto the knob, still wondering if she should reveal herself. It had been quite a while since she last was on a mission. Valentina sure hoped that she would be chosen for an upcoming mission. She decided it was enough thinking about that, and more thinking on how she'll approach the others. Should she make a dramatic entrance? Or just slyly make her way to the darkest corner? Or just casually walk out there and not speak unless spoken to? Valentina decided to go with the third option. She nodded and opened her door quietly then closed it softly behind her. She stood for a few moments in front of the door then sighed and made her way to the nearest couch. <div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">She sat down on the couch and overlooked all of the others that surrounded the area. Valentina messed with her black hair a little bit before crossing her legs and placing her hands cusped together on her thigh. She quickly went to a more casual posture because it looked as if she was begging or waiting for someone to talk to her. Which, believe me, she was not.
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 08:28 PM

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<div style="text-align: center;">Lincoln | M | Fiend/SEM | Murderer | Homosexual | M: Grace, Karma, George (Faintly), Scar (Faintly)

<div style="text-align: center;">Lincoln rolled over in his covers. Slivers of light peeked through his heavy curtains, beaming onto his face and trailing down the edges of his bed. Although it was fresh dawn, this was the time he most often fell asleep. Not because of sleep-related issues or work, but because nocturnalism was the man's personal choice. Laying in bed, he looked up to the ceiling and let out a heavy, bitter sigh. He couldn't sleep. Worry was gnawing at his bones, telling him that the others might not keep such a close eye on the humans as he would've liked. The other half of his conscience told him to get at least a good hour of shuteye before checking up on them to deem if they would make it throughout the night.
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">And with that, he closed his lime-green eyes, but no fatigue surfaced. I'll just... Go check. His hand trailed up to his face and he tugged down on his cheek, essentially telling his body to completely wake up. Lincoln pushed his torso upwards and he straightened his back, washing his gaze over the dreary interior of his room. He pondered even standing up before actually making the effort to do so. The man swung his legs over the side of his bed, and rolled out his shoulders. Something popped.
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">He strolled over to his dresser and gazed into the mirror hanging over the antique piece of furniture. Taking a comb and brushing his hair out of his face, the murderer began to glare deeply into his reflection. His eyes were gleam-less, not to mention the dark bags of fatigue. As always, Lincoln's cheeks were hollowed, finishing off his intimidating appearance nicely. The man drew his eyes away from the mirror and scooped out some clothes from a drawer. A black button-up shirt, pants, and some comfy loafers which belied his elegant outfits.<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">Fixing the cuffs on his shirt, Lincoln exited his room promptly and skipped down the steps, curious to see what all was happening down there. As he trailed a hand along the railing and quietly stepping as not to spook any Insanity, he peeked his head around the corner and saw only a few people loading up into the kitchen. I guess I could use something to eat, his conscience murmured from within.<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">He brushed past the others without muttering a greeting. Instead he strolled straight into the kitchen and reached for the upper cupboard. A schlucking sound awoke Lincoln from his autopilot thoughts, directing his attention to Grace pulling something out from her abdomen. His expression wrinkled into a disgusted scowl, but nothing more. "Good morning," Lincoln murmured to Karma as he passed by as well. Luckily, he seemed to be one of the more sane persons here.
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 08:37 PM

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<div style="text-align: center;">Cybele | F | Human | Heteroflexible | M: Open
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">Cybele's head was throbbing like no other pain she had ever experienced in her life. She had experienced a lot, but the agony of this "headache" made her awake suddenly at the first spasm it sent around her head. As if she were gasping for air, she sucked in a large breath of air and the girl's emerald green eyes flung open. They were filled with utter bewilderment, her pupils shrinking to pinpoint. No tears were forming in her eyes, however, at the new and very unusual scenery.
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">Her jaw was dropped open, and for the first time in a while, she blinked. She blinked and she blinked, hoping she could blink away the sight of the intimidating room only filled by repeating beds and flurries of dust floating in the air. Where was she? This wasn't the camp. I knew I should've never gone outside! Look where you are now! She shrugged her hands up to her shoulders and held herself tightly. All Cybele remembered was a group of unfamiliar individuals claiming to join to the game, but then abducting everyone with her around the fire... She twisted her head forward to try and look out of the door, but bobbed her head back when a silhouette passed by.<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">Scrambling backwards until her back hit the wall with a thump, Cybele pulled her legs up to her chest, teeth being grit with ultimate fear. Though humans were one to make a commotion in a time of anxiety, she hadn't made a single peep. At first she had believed the image of this place had been all in her head, but after many a moment of realizing the hallucination wasn't going away, she begun to shiver lightly. Cybele sucked in a deep breath through her nostrils and relaxed her shoulders. It didn't help, she was in as deep a pit of fear as she was a minute ago.
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 08:53 PM


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<div style="text-align: center;">[ Simon ]
<div style="text-align: center;">| M | 21 | Murderer | Mentions: None [ besides the good morning that was to everyone/anyone-- | Open |
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">His morning ritual was staring at the ceiling until he registered it was time to awake. His thoughts mainly consist of the norm at least the norm for him. Well if you could consider them thoughts. Images flash in his brain-- his lips press together, staring dully. Last night was quite successful. Hearing the woman wheeze and her eyes, gosh! Pale brown eyes that gave away the storm inside her heart. A troubled middle age woman with spice but just searching for love. Sadly she met the wrong man last night.Simon just let a small sigh escape his lips, "Such a sad sight. " <div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">He roll over, staring at his dresser for a mere moment before standing up. His room was rather dull and plain. He only had a bed which was hidden in the corner of his room. Besides that there was a closet and a mirror. Simon stare at himself in the mirror, titling his head slightly up. He trace his jawline before dropping his head. His lips were cracked and had raccoon eyes despite getting enough sleep. Barely. A weird noise escape him, a sound of disgust mostly. No, he did not believe his appearance was ugly. Just merely plain. Not interesting. Boring. It annoyed him but he let go of that thought and walk over to his closet. Simon change in his normal attire and just walk down the stairs for his morning tea. <div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">A soft smile was on his face as he enter the kitchen. "Good morning,," Simon purr, running his fingers through his messy hair. Everyone was dead inside. Well it was morning. He did not blame them one bit. Yet he did wish they were a bit more entertaining. It must be a Monday. Yes. That would make sense. He nodded to himself, making his tea. He hop up on of the counters, taking a sip. Simon's eyes gaze over everyone in his range. He hum softly to himself, his smile never leaving his face. <div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: center;">It very much felt like something-- something was going to happen. The pit of his stomach stir with perhaps fear-- excitement? Perhaps.
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 09:02 PM

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Frostbite | Grace | F | insanity | Bi | Mentions:Cybele

once Frost finished her excuse for a breakfast she realized fully that their were humans maybe roaming the mansion. "someones gonna get themselves killed." she jumped off the counter but first grabbed the knife that was once impaled in her stomach she creeped to where there was said to be the creatures she once was. her footsteps creaked on the floor as she inched closer to the dark room. one hand armed with a bloody knife and the other stopping blood from her wound dripping on the floor. as grace neared she made sure her mask was fixed properly on her face.

once at the door she heard a thump. someone was obvious awake in there. grace turned he knob and inched the door open the hinges screaming at the sudden movement. the light from the hallway illuminated the dim lit room. out of instinct Grace through the knife beside a moving figure on the bed, the knife sticking into the wall and dripping blood down it. "hello" grace's voice was unintentionally low and taunting.

the light was coming from behind her therefor this lump probably couldn't see her face or half her face anyways and that was good. "are you hungry, when i was like you i was always hungry, tell me what you want to eat or do you need a drink? is that it?" frost hadn't spoken to a human she wasn't about to kill in years and didn't really know what to say. she walked closer to the lump that was backed against the wall. "don't be afraid we are not aloud to kill you, now hat do you need, anything?"
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 10:26 PM

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Joker || Jason Quirson || Male || 24 || Insanity || Hetero/Bi-ish || Sand controller || M: Grace (briefly)

A figure stirred in the shadows of the mansion, fiery green orbs scanned its surroundings. It moved with what would have been a graceful stride, if not for the hunched posture and slight shuffle. The figure detached from the shadows, the form morphing into that of a handsome, if intimidating, man.

He was tall and well built, with fiery emerald eyes, that looked unreally so. His hair was a mess of dark brown, almost black, and his skin was a smooth olive tone, at least it would have been, if not for the many pale scars that littered his body.

He moved across the grand hallway, passing a door which was open slightly to reveal a human and one of his fellow insanities, Frostbite. He did not know her real name, as one, nobody really knew anybody's real names around here, and two, he was not close to her, neither was he close to really anyone in this god for saken place he called home.

He did not pay the girl any mind, as he had no mind to spare. It was torn into many pieces, each fighting for hold on his body. Anger surged in him as his thought raced over the head of the house, that stupid bastard who sat on a throne and called themselves dictator. But the thought faded just as quickly to be replaced by something new, then yet again, something else forced its way to the forefront of his ravaged mind, as he thought of multiple things at once, each side of him grabbing hold of whatever it pleased before it was shoved down once more by a different side of him, only to force its way back into the light.

Joker moved almost silently, if not for the slight shuffle of his step, over to the massive staircase that marked the entrance to their "home". He made his way down it, his burning eyes inspecting his surroundings carefully as he made his way down towards the kitchen. He was not necessarily hungry, as he was dead, and he didn't really need to eat, but he liked to eat on occasion, more to sate his burning energy and anger than anything else.

As he moved, his mind snapped onto the thought of the others who lived here. He was not fond of them, in fact, he despised most of them, and he did not trust any of them. Trust, what a futile thing, an empty promise. Trust meant nothing, nothing but trouble and lies. The thought was ripped from his mind once more as his mind waged war on itself, never to be calmed.

Edited at May 22, 2019 10:57 PM by Fusty Dudget
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 22, 2019 10:45 PM

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Black Hallow - Jace Cardinal - Male - 26 - Insanity - Bi - Mentions: Open

Jace laid on a couch, his eyes completely closed. "What do we do with the humans?" He muttered to mostly everyone. He ran his fingers Through his Strawberry Blonde hair and Sighed, opening his Silver eyes. There was really nothing to do so he planned to take a nap. He didn't really go to sleep he just acted like it to make people think he was asleep. He groaned and got up, walking into the kitchen. He took out a water and sat on the counter, drinking his water. He stared around the room. He glanced at Scar then looked at Someone else. He really didn't care about these people but He had a strong connection with them.

He combed his hair back and hopped off the counter. He grabbed some food and sat down to eat it. He started eating, noticing he was getting a little Inpatient with things. He was moving around to much. "Agh, I'm so bored.." He groaned Impatiently.

Edited at May 23, 2019 11:23 PM by x_Fallen Auras_x
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 23, 2019 12:02 PM


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The Scarred Raven//Scar//M//Murderer//Mentions: George

The male seemed to be enjoying his morning so far. It was pretty calm and the silence was so nice to him. Glancing at Frostbite for a moment, he thought, before continuing to drink his monster. Everything was so nice. So very nice... Until that was ruined by a certain puppet coming and rambling, trying to annoy him, while knocking things down in the process. He stood there and looked at the things that had been knocked down, thinking about what he would need in order to clean the mess up. Once the other male was done, he cleared his throat. "May I speak now?" Came low, yet calm male voice. There was silence for a few moments, before he looked up the puppet. His expression was empty, his green eyes bearing into his.

Sorry it's super short and the code is glitching))

Edited at May 23, 2019 12:04 PM by Masky
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 23, 2019 12:28 PM


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Shadow//F//Insanity//Pan//Mentions: Open

Suddenly, the doors to the mansion swung open, hitting the walls with a large crash. There, in the doorway, was a female who stood about 4'3 a petite, curvaceous body. She wore a rather large, over-sized black hoodie that went to about her knees. The sleeves went past the edge of her fingertips and then left some room for another hand or so to fit. Her hood was on so that her facial features couldn't be seen at all. The only thing that there was visible was a few strands of long, messy, white as snow strands of hair. She wore shorts, though you couldn't see them and was barefoot. The bit of skin from her legs and feet that you could see were a porcelain-white color with scars littering them. She slowly and carefully lifted her hood off to show a rather surprisingly not bad-looking female. Her eyes- or well rather, eye, as one of them was covered by her long hair. Her eye was a soft grey with almost no emotion behind it. "I'm home~" She cooed, a rather crazed grin forming on her lips.

Sorry it's so short, I was in a rush.

Edited at May 23, 2019 02:57 PM by Masky
The Murder Mansion {Sign-Ups Open!} RP ThreadMay 23, 2019 03:16 PM


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George/Puppeteer/M/23/Homo/Controlling/M: Scar

George placed a finger to his chin and his other hand on his hip as she looked up at the ceiling. "Hmm..," He said thinking for a moment. "You know what? Sure! Speak away!" George hated how tall Scar was compared with him. The brunette looked at his head than the floor than back at his face. "Wait before you start," He said closing his eyes and pointing his pointer fingers and middle fingers togethers. When he opened his eyes, his once dark brown eyes were now a deep purple. He pointed at Scar's knees with his pointer and middle finger and a strong string shot out of his fingers. As soon as the string touched his knees, Scar was under his control. Or at least his knees were. He pointed at the floor and his knees wobbled for a second before giving in and falling to his knees. "There now I am taller!" He said, triumphantly as he place his hands on his waist.

He felt an increasing pain on his arm as another cut appeared on his arm just below his wrist. He got used to it and was almost proud he wasn't able to feel it for the most part. In fact, that was the main reason he rolled his long sleeve, white shirt passed his elbows. Currently he also had black pants that were tightly pressing into him while a strap went from the front, over his shoulder, and to the back of his pants. Normally there would have been two straps, but one broke on a mission he was on. He also had gloves and shoes. He thought he was a very stylish person in his opinion.

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