- Realm>Marketplace>Barter>Apples. Buy them with real money to support the site.
- Full Moon Celebration. Every month from 5th-9th, work hard while exploring to get a placing in the top 3. Or find yourself an excellent or wrestling pup to get into the top 3 for those games.
- Save mushrooms up and buy from other player market dens. Realm>Marketplace>Barter then scroll down and perform a search for apples. Obviously if you want the cheapest on the market you're going to use the drop down bar and select "lowest to highest"
-Sell artwork
- Breed crazy high talent wolves with low generations or pelt defects with Chimera and Vitiligo. These are very rare so you're not guaranteed one by just breeding to a stud that has a pelt defect since that defeats the purpose of them being extremely rare.
These are just a few of the most common ways.