Wolf Play : Laylani | RP Thread
02:10:56 Leon
Oops, was viewing old message before refreshing T^T
02:10:17 Lil Techy | Techno
02:09:40 Leon
ThatÂ’s where I live too :)
-WP Click-
 Night Shade
02:06:26 Graves | Chaos
I'm nauseous
01:50:49 Lil Techy | Techno

I hope to see more of it then if you are staying around. I love those sorts of animations :D
 Sunset Ghosts
01:47:25 Pit
Also thank you I really appreciate that. ^^ I've been practicing recently
 Sunset Ghosts
01:46:54 Pit
I've been around for about a year! I took a long hiatus a little while ago, though
01:46:51 I overthink this-
-WP Click-
01:44:13 Lil Techy | Techno

Your art looks familiar I feel but god that animation s smooth as hell I love it
 Continental Wolves
01:43:04 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Lucky :0
Think the highest I've gotten lately is like 90 though it was mostly bobcats & mountain lions so it was profitable
01:41:16 Lil Techy | Techno
first restart of forest and I get 104 sweet
 Sunset Ghosts
01:40:27 Pit
Hehehe thoughts on my new avi?
01:39:21 Kaz
 Blood lust tide
01:34:51 BewareWhoYouTrust
Your wolves played: Mmmm blood is angry at I think love your blood type
 Night Shade
01:30:57 Graves | Chaos
Hello chat
01:17:36 Gnash, Nashie
the word game is so hard what the heck

Oh damn. I'm not too far behind you on event currency then :p
01:14:28 Lil Techy | Techno

No this is the event currency. I have 6,470 bone shards.

Not too far off! How many pups do you get on average a game year?


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Laylani | RP ThreadFebruary 8, 2024 01:28 PM

Moonlight wolf

Posts: 360
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Zefira | Cub | Mentions: Armani, Kovit, Asha
Zefira squealed and jumped away before pouncing onto Kovit. "Hey!" Zefira looked at Armani. "Aren't you going to play too?" She hid behind Armani, trying to stay away so Kovit couldn't get her. Then she turned to Asha. "Wanna team up against Armani?" She said in her squeaky voice, excited to play.
Laylani | RP ThreadFebruary 8, 2024 01:34 PM

Thundering Embers

Posts: 660
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Armani⇑Pride Lioness⇑M: Cubs
The cubs wandered over to her and pounced on her "Eh! Not that kind of playing, I was thinking more of a competition." "I'll ask you all to bring me something and the quickest cub to do so wins," Armani knew they wouldn't question what they'd win because cubs just wanted to be the leader so they'd take pride in winning(accidental joke). "Ok first cub to bring me... a stick!" There were loads of dried up bushes on the territory easy question, the cubs knew to stay on the territory and there were patrols going on so there was no chance they could get harmed maybe if they ran to fast though.
Laylani | RP ThreadFebruary 8, 2024 05:23 PM


Posts: 1492
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Acacia | F | Pride lioness | M: Nyota, Spottedshade
"Antelope sounds good." Acacia agreed with a steady nod of her head. "Just one of them should feed at least a good chunk of the pride." The lions in the pride needed all the nutrients and strength they could get with how low the water supply was. It would be easy enough to get an antelope with three lionesses working together.
Laylani | RP ThreadFebruary 8, 2024 05:28 PM


Posts: 1492
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Asha | F | Cub | M: Zefira, Kovit, Armani
Asha gave a mischevious grin towards Zefira. "Sorry, there's no allies in this competition! Maybe next time." She batted her friend playfully.
After hearing Armani's assignment Asha dashed off, spraying a small bit of dust on her brother and friend. She went over to some bushes and found the perfect stick. Her tail waved happily as she worked on getting it out of the bush.
Laylani | RP ThreadFebruary 10, 2024 05:15 PM


Posts: 125
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Kovit|Cub| Mentions: Zefira (dir) Asha (dir) Armani (dir)
Kovit mewed bearing his teeth playfully at zefira hiding behind Armani "Rahh!'. He turned to Armani as she spoke about competition and his tail flickered, watching Asha quickly turn up the dirt he scrambled to follow after her "Wait for mee!" he squeaked. Enthusiasm blazed in his eyes as he searched the surrounding area for sticks peaking his head into the first bush he saw, nearing the waterhole's shore some moments later he emerged hauling a large log-like branch between his jaws making haste back to armani as it dragged a gruve in the sandy dirt catching nearly every strand of grass with it. The wood was vastly dry and dirty "Behold the mighty Kovit!" he mewed as he ploped it down panting from the endevor.

Edited at February 10, 2024 05:15 PM by Noricai
Laylani | RP ThreadFebruary 10, 2024 05:56 PM


Posts: 125
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Inaaya |PrideLioness|
Mentions: Asha (ind) Kovit (ind) Armani (ind) Coron (ind)
She worried she had been gone too long for some time, having taken a trip outside the prides usual territory on personal time away. Finally though thirsty and tired she made her way back spotting her cubs Asha and Kovit from a distance. They looked healthy and safe giving an immense relief as she watched them play with Armani. Upon entering camp she noticed that the area appeared to be in a worsened state then when she left, even the water supply was much lower giving way for concern.
Inaaya sat on the edge of camp finding shade beneath the tree not yet ready for hello's and gathering strength from the long walk. She rested her paws taking in the moment, the water beckoned her and she gave in with a stretch heading over to the water and lapping a good few gulps. Her gaze still followed the cubs but she could smell a faint foreign scent on the wind.."Possibly a rouge?' the thought bothered her. She shifted her paws wondering where the rest of the pride had gone off to, it was dangerous having all of the pride missing leaving the territory so unprotected so she figured they where doing something important.

Edited at February 10, 2024 06:00 PM by Noricai
Laylani | RP ThreadFebruary 11, 2024 07:26 AM

Starlight Serpent

Posts: 424
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Spottedshade | Pride Lioness | M: Acacia, Nyota
"Okay!" Spottedshade was happy about hunting antelope, especially with how hard prey had been to find recently. She turned to the queen. "Where should we look?" Her paws itched to get going.
Laylani | RP ThreadFebruary 15, 2024 08:51 PM

Feral Meadows

Posts: 45
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Male | King | Mentions: Open
(I apologize for my disappearance, was extremely ill with upper respiratory virus.)
Calisto was growing annoyed with all the lions attempting to drink from the watering hole. Although what set him off was when he noticed one of the lioness's warning a rogue male drinking from their water. He saw the defense of his pride scare off the male which made him feel proud of his lionesses. The male scrambled out of there and Calisto watched him as much as he could, but lost interest once he was a distance away, no longer his problem.
"NO ONE DRINKS FROM THE WATERING HOLE WITHOUT DIRECT PERMISSION!" He roars as he eyes anyone close to it. Calisto decided to sit down in the grass, but ended up laying down, camoflauging into the dry savannah grass/
Laylani | RP ThreadFebruary 16, 2024 07:55 AM

Thundering Embers

Posts: 660
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Armani⇑Pride Lioness⇑M: Cubs, Inaaya
The cubs scrambled after each other falling head over tails, it was quite funny to watch. Armani saw Inaaya come into the pride territory but where from? She just realised that she hadn't seen her all morning, was she ok?
Armani heard the sound of shuffling in the dry dirt and looked over, a few of the cubs were racing back with different sizes of sticks. Funny enough Kovit came back with a log not a stick and he dropped it infront of her feet nearly dropping it on her paws. "Where'd you get that from?" It was quite clear that Kovit had won, "Well done Kovit you won." Armani raised her voice a bit more at the other cubs.
"The next item is a...Bone!" There was a zebra carcass over by the water hole in the grass no meat left apart from one leg, the cubs that used there nose could find it but the others might not. Armani had a bone hidden in her den, she played with it when she was bored and it was her bone no one else's so when the cubs ran of she watched her den intently. No Lions or Lionesess would ever dare to enter her den not even the King or Queen, they just wait patiently outside and call her, unless it's an emergency.
Laylani | RP ThreadFebruary 16, 2024 08:09 AM

Moonlight wolf

Posts: 360
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Zefira | Cub| Mentions: Kovit, Asha, Armani
Zefira perked up as she heard the next item they had to find. She remembered the lionesses bringing back some prey, a zebra? As she tried to remember where it was, she realised that Kovit or Asha could already know where it was. Zefira suddenly remembered and rushed to the watering hole, throwing up clouds of dust as she ran. As she inspected the carcass, she settled for a small bone. Excited, she picked it up in her jaws and carried it back to Armani. "Look, a bone!" She squealed.

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