
Game Moderator Neutral
This is the burrow/den of discussions. With that done. Have fun! Edited at June 13, 2024 04:56 PM by Feiella
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Hello! Can Nori get a mate?

Game Moderator Neutral
hello Bobcat. Let's wait and ease everyone first. Nori may get a mate eventually
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how many characters can we have each?
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It's nice to see my character Crimson back, the rp she was in died.

Game Moderator Neutral
los For now let's go with 2 and see how that goes then if something thinks they can handle a third character then they are welcome to. I'll stick with two characters. Edited at May 23, 2024 09:43 AM by Feiella
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Game Moderator Neutral
Thundering Embers said: It's nice to see my character Crimson back, the rp she was in died.
this will be the first RP with Nightshade. Last one had Ember and Summer so I'm curious how Nightshade will go and see how everyone's characters go ^^
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Can Nightshade and Nori be friends?

Funny enough Crimson was the first character I created for my first ever rp on here.

Game Moderator Neutral
Bobcat I won't say no. Maybe Nori will see Nightshade's farm
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