
Okay so well hopefully you have a calculator nearby that does BEDMAS. In theory, you should be able to find your dominance with the following formula;  where x is the number of wolves you have Your y value depends on the amount of wolves you have. 1-19 wolves, y=10 20-40 wolves, y=5 41-100 wolves, y=2 101+ wolves, y=1 (Please note, the dot is a multiply sign) I think this is right, at least. Although Insane Sanity got slightly different numbers once, so please do not treat this as concrete. Just as a disclaimer - it is highly likely that the number you calculate in this equation is the right one. However, there may be anomalies that make it inaccurate - however, even then, the number will be very close. Edited at October 16, 2024 10:27 PM by Boeing
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Chat seemed to be a bit confused, as am I But how exactly does the Wolf Totem stagger your dominance? Based off people with smaller packs, if you have under 19 wolves it staggers; 190, 180, 170, 160, etc with gaps of 10 in between But what if you're like me and have more wolves than that? If the gaps of 10 didn't fit? (I have 30. :P) Vox tried it in chat and we got rather confusing results. All we know is; - the highest dominance wolf will always be 190 - If you have less than 19 wolves, it does down in descending groups of 10 - we seem to be only getting even numbers from the dominance staggering But if you have more than 19 wolves, how does it stagger those? Edited at September 17, 2024 06:56 PM by Boeing
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I've got twenty but I haven't tried it yet cuz I'm broke

I have 24 wolves and it goes down from 190 but by five instead of ten. So my lowest dom wolf has 75 dominance. I hope this helps a bit! I am interested to see the results of those with 38+ wolves. ^^

I can maybe try with my 100+ wolves XD for science

Okay, so I guess we can establish; - 19 wolves and under the dominance is staggered in intervals of 10
- I'm going to assume, 38 wolves and under are staggered in 5
Then if you're above 38, I'm going to assume it's staggered in 2? Vox has exactly 55 wolves, and they're staggered in (roughly) intervals of 2. And finally if you have above 95 wolves, they get staggered in 1. If you're like Serpents and have more than 190 wolves (despite it clearly says the item only works for packs with less than 190 wolves) then they go down in intervals of 1 until you run out of dominance to put them on. Okay, well that's interesting. EDIT - TeaBear's contribution to the science (by pressing the button) has confirmed that at above 19 wolves but less than 38, it goes down in intervals of 5 Edited at September 17, 2024 10:51 PM by Boeing
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Experimented with it, I have 95 wolves and HAD 11,000 dominance. It took me down to 9000 dominance. Wouldn't adivse larger packs use it unless they maybe have a lot of low level dominance wolves. Edit: looks like my wolves were staggered in increments of 2 Edit 2: Not sure the formula works for higher staggered dominance before use of the totem? Plugging my wolves and values into the formula, I got 9120 for my dominance but after using the totem I had 9082 (I used the totem before I saw your formula). Edit 3: Maybe a user error? Acquired some new wolves and tried again, this time the formula worked. Edited at September 17, 2024 11:41 PM by Insane Sanity
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36 wolves, ended up with a 5pt interval. Had around 1.5k and jumped to 3.6k dom