Breeding Barn(s)
These barns are where our Broods & Studs are kept!
Sometimes, we will have flash sales with semen viles we've collected from our studs, as well as already fertilized embryos you can buy!
[Reminder] - It will take 1 full irl day for your foal to be born!
Stud Barn
Studs can be bred a total of 5 times an R/O
They will change every 3 R/Os
SR Time Is Money - 2013 AQHA Stallion - Sorrel Chesnut
Stud Price: 100 mush

SR Diamond In The Rough -- 2014 AQHA Stallion -- Blue Roan Paint
Stud Price - 300 mush
Brood Barn
Broods can be bred a total of 1 time an R/O
They will change every 3 R/Os

SR Hollow Promises -- 2014 AWR Mare -- Dark Bay
Brood Price: 100 mush
Flash Sales
Semen Viles are collected once every R/O - Each Stud get's 2 Viles collected, you will need a Hormone injection from our Vet in order to use one.
Embyro's are collected from our mares once every R/O, this will not count against their breeding "allowance" , and it will either be fertilized by your studs, or ours. We will be selling one each. You will need to get it fertilized by our vet if using your stud, as well as inserting it into your mare. If it's fertilized from our stud, the only fee you will pay is buying the embryo, and having it inserted into your mare!
Semen Viles : x2 - 100 mush each
2 from SR Time Is Money
Embyros (Unfertilized): x1 - 100 mush each
1 from SR Hollow Promises
Embryos (Fertilized): 0 - 150 mush each
This is where you will come to get your Embryo's fertilized/inserted into your mare, or, where you will have the Semen you bought inserted into the mare of your choice.
Embryo Fertilization & Implantation - 75 mushrooms
Embryo Implantation - 50 mushrooms
Artifical Insemination - 50 mushrooms
If breeding your own two horses -- It will be 100 mush total for the breeding + vetting if needed
Form For breeding
Pack Name:
Sire or Vile:
Dam or Embyro: