
Hi all, just want to know if you change how to battle train wolf's since it looks a.lot harder now all tips are welcome you can pm me if you like ....just wonder the low levels wil nog give much exp for the time spend but also he wil not be leveling fast in higher levels since he has the lower battle moves so anyway thanks for help in advange

I've been trying to find out the same thing So far, I've found levels 35+ give the amount I used to need before for BE training, but your wolves will get beaten up very quickly. I refuse to go lower though >.> I think it'd be wiser to go to lower levels like before, but you'll be losing money or earning far less so it's not that worth it, but you may earn BE faster
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what level would you do for only BE train maybe mixing it up is the idea not sure it will work i mean they will die fast how fast you train them anyway just curios how others do it now

i have some of my death grips chaperone my trainees in case they come across anything that would take them out. i have 3 trainees with 3 death grips and have the death grips set to pursue unless i need them. i realise this isn't much help if you don't already have the death grips,, if you do not have any death grips i'd say best thing to do is buy one/multiple to start off with

I dont think you can BE train in a specific level anymore without dying quickly, sadly. I prefer the lower levels in the 30's though A Shrimpplanet said: what level would you do for only BE train maybe mixing it up is the idea not sure it will work i mean they will die fast how fast you train them anyway just curios how others do it now
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