
Genuinely, how does PvP work? What makes a wolf a winner or not?
Who takes turns first and does this affect the outcome?
Wolves with less than 1/4 of the BE of mine are consistently winning PvPs and it's left me stumped.
For example, Nesta's 30 BE 124 pound wolf beat my 149 pound 300 BE wolf, how does that work?
If you are a premium pack with a battle specialization, do those extra moves apply in PvP?
When a move (like Death Grip) says (Off +30), does it mean that move does 30 damage?
Do all moves do the same amount of damage after a certain point?

I think CP has a big part in if a wolf wins or not, BE isn't as big of a part of it as you'd think from my experience The person who accepts a battle request goes second and the person who put out the battle request almost always wins so I think it affects a lot
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Same as Salem ^^ Guess why it's always me who put them up 😀 Edited at April 8, 2024 02:28 PM by Leo's

@Salem, I would have accepted that if my wolves had been the ones with less CP but in almost all instances, my wolves had maxed Battle, Agility, Stealth, and Resolve and theirs did not.
Is it just the most CP overall? That wouldn't make much sense but I figure it's worth asking.

I haven't PvP'd in a long time but that's what I assume 'cause I maxed out all the battle stats and still lost and the only real difference was overall CP count
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Well, I really appreciate your help.
What if the wolves are both maxed out? What does it come down to then? I would appreciate more people's opinions / anecdotal evidence if possible.

Ecifircas said: Well, I really appreciate your help.
What if the wolves are both maxed out? What does it come down to then? I would appreciate more people's opinions / anecdotal evidence if possible.
If both are maxed in weight, CP and BE it's the first move that is the essential :3

No, not weight. I meant if they are both maxed in CP, what then?

Ecifircas said: No, not weight. I meant if they are both maxed in CP, what then?

Hello, as someone with, ahem, lots of PvP experience, here is my take. Prepare for an essay. Please note probably not all of this is exactly factual, but more so how I've come to understand PvP after thousands of battles. - PvP is mostly based on RNG (luck, basically). Typically, whoever puts the battle request up will have the starting advantage because they get to go first. However, that doesn't always mean they will land the first attack. This means that if you put the request up and your wolf misses the first attack, the other player now has the advantage. I've been in plenty of PvP battles in which my DG DH wolf was up against a non-boosted wolf with significantly less BE and I've still lost due to poor RNG. This alone is why some people do not like PvP. And I'll admit, it's very frustrating to lose a match that is very heavily favored for you to win. Aside from the RNG, CP plays a vastly more important role in determining the outcome of the battle than BE does. If you have a wolf with 0 BE vs a 925+ BE wolf, but they have the same amount of CP, the difference between the hits will only be 4 damage. So for example, a 0 BE wolf with full battle will hit for 23, while a wolf with full battle and at least 525 BE will hit for 27. I don't believe weight or vitals make any kind of significant difference in PvP battles. One must also take into account the slight advantages the different factions will have during certain times of the day, and also if the wolves in the battle are boosted or not, etc. Obviously, you have the unfair advantage of a DH vs a non-DH, but like I mentioned earlier these are not always an automatic win for the DH side. But then you also have Crushing Strength which I believe has a slightly higher chance of hitting criticals which deal (I think) 10 more damage than a normal hit. And then Elite Speed, which has the chance to hit twice in one turn. Or Nimble Foot wolves who are more likely to avoid your attacks as they have higher agility.