
So a friend sent me a Jasmine. I am pretty sure I burried it, and I had it this morning, but I go to send it to someone and it isn't there. Not in my inventory at all, and there are no notifications saying stolen relic, which makes no sense, as I have notifications turned on

Game Moderator Neutral
You most likely forgot to bury it and it was stolen by the npc animals, or it was stolen by another member and you somehow had alerts turned off. Items don't just disappear, it's at least never ever happened before
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I had a geode that was sent to me literally a minute earlier and I go to have Bree open it and it's not there. I have stolen relic notifs on but I didn't get one and I'm 1000% sure I didn't use it.

Game Moderator Neutral
I'll repeat. This isn't possible.
I've moved this from bugs as it's not a bug and shouldn't be reported as such
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