
is a wolf with 44 Howling Rating good? Also, what is Disposition Rating?

44 Howling is considered an Excellent rating. The maximum numeric rating for howling and wrestling is 50. Disposition is how likely your wolf is to obey your commands in battle. For example, if you have an Obedient wolf they are more likely to attack whichever target you tell them to, whereas a Stubborn wolf is not very likely to listen to you at all and they will attack whatever they want. Hope this helps :)

44 is excellent, which is the best rating. Ratings go up to 50.
Disposition tells you how likely it is that your wolf will hit the enemy you set them to target. For example, if you're fighting a group of 6 bears and you set your wolves to target Bear 1, if they have an obedient disposition they will listen to you and they will land hits on Bear 1 only, instead of the other bears in the fight. (Sorry if that's confusing.)