Fixed | August 21, 2022 05:49 PM | |

Hello! So I've been exploring for a while and recently I've noticed that when I try to explore on my currently level in the forest, I see enemies appear but there's no option to hunt or battle them. It only happens in the forest, and on my highest level. Has anyone had this happen, or does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks! Edited at August 21, 2022 05:59 PM by ArrowStrike
Fixed | August 21, 2022 05:51 PM | |

Is it all enemies or just 1 or 2?
Also, have you replayed a level and 'leveled up'? Like going from level 5 to level 6 while replaying them.
Fixed | August 21, 2022 05:53 PM | |

RabidWinter said: Is it all enemies or just 1 or 2?
Also, have you replayed a level and 'leveled up'? Like going from level 5 to level 6 while replaying them.
All enemies! And I've been able to battle them while replaying, so I've done that and cleared levels that way. It's just on level 79, my current level, that I've been having this problem.
Fixed | August 21, 2022 05:56 PM | |

Whenever you level up while replaying a level, it makes the highest level reset and enemies can't be killed. Restarting you highest level should fix the problem!
Normally while replaying, I'll leave one tile (often the last) untouched and go back to the explore page to continue. ^^ ArrowStrike said: RabidWinter said: Is it all enemies or just 1 or 2?
Also, have you replayed a level and 'leveled up'? Like going from level 5 to level 6 while replaying them.
All enemies! And I've been able to battle them while replaying, so I've done that and cleared levels that way. It's just on level 79, my current level, that I've been having this problem.
Edited at August 21, 2022 05:59 PM by RabidWinter
Fixed | August 21, 2022 05:59 PM | |

I just tried that out and it worked, thank you so much!! RabidWinter said: Whenever you level up while replaying a level, it makes the highest level reset and enemies can't be killed. Restarting you highest level should fix the problem!
Normal while replaying, I'll leave one tile untouched and go back to the explore page to continue. ^^
Fixed | August 21, 2022 05:59 PM | |
