
So I figured out that you can use italics in the PMs. Problem is, I want only a few words to be in italics, but when I do it, it makes everything after the intended spot in italics. Just wondering how you can use it properly.
For example, my intended use is this:
Hello fresh spring growth after winter I have been looking for you.

So I don't even known how to use italics in pms could you tell me how :o and sorry I can't help with the thing above

Well, I guess it's a coding thing? I don't really know. But it's something I saw on AO3. So basically:
Whatever you want to type
Oh, it translated that to italics.
< e m >
what you want
< e m >
Edited at July 21, 2022 12:56 AM by the Wayne pack

I believe in order to do it pm. You'd wanna do < i >text you have in italics. < / I > just without spaces. I think this also works with other designs like bolding (just with a b instead of an i)

It works for bolding, underlining, and I believe strikethrough if you just replace the letters. ^^ RabidWinter said: I believe in order to do it pm. You'd wanna do < i >text you have in italics. < / I > just without spaces. I think this also works with other designs like bolding (just with a b instead of an i)

Reviving this real quick.
For anyone who's done strikethrough in PMs, what is the letters needed? I have tried "s" and "st" so far, do they need to be captialized? There's no reason it shouldn't work in PMs, as bold, italics, and underlining works.

To do italics put <i> and </i> around any words that you want to do. Like this: <i> (word)</i>. i is for italics. This goes for many places outside of PMs. You can also do this with the title. Strikethrough is the same way, but for strikethrough it is strike instead of i. Edited at November 5, 2023 07:54 PM by Inland Wolves

List <b> bold</b> <i> italics</i> <u> underline</u> <strike> strikethrough<strike>
Edited at November 5, 2023 08:02 PM by Inland Wolves

@Inland Wolves
Oh thank you so much! It never occured to me that strikethrough was a word, instead of a letter. I appreciate your help!