
So, if you go to your memorial garden, you can click manage memorials and then remove wolf. As for the living ones, you can either retire them, have them leave your pack, give them away, sell them, your choice. You can choose a new pack name, flag, and image, and boom, your account is (for the most part) reset. You won't be able to grab starter wolves, so you might wanna buy two young wolves from the market.

Lets say I havent been on in ages. All my wolves are now really old and all the spots in my memorial are full. Everythings just a mess. How could I fix this? Is there a way to like, reset my memorial/wolves or something? I think I saw this post before, but I scrolled for a bit and couldnt find anything.

Um... I'm not sure? The only thing I could think of doing would be to remove the wolves from the memorials, and get rid of your old wolves and restart from that? Sorry if this doesn't help ^^'

Cardinal Skies said: Um... I'm not sure? The only thing I could think of doing would be to remove the wolves from the memorials, and get rid of your old wolves and restart from that? Sorry if this doesn't help ^^'
This is about all you can do. If you want different wolves in your memorial, just remove the current ones. And if you don't like the wolves you have now, just retire/free range them.

How would you do that? Cardinal Skies said: Um... I'm not sure? The only thing I could think of doing would be to remove the wolves from the memorials, and get rid of your old wolves and restart from that? Sorry if this doesn't help ^^'

How would you do that? Cardinal Skies said: Um... I'm not sure? The only thing I could think of doing would be to remove the wolves from the memorials, and get rid of your old wolves and restart from that? Sorry if this doesn't help ^^'

Former Pack said: How would you do that? Cardinal Skies said: Um... I'm not sure? The only thing I could think of doing would be to remove the wolves from the memorials, and get rid of your old wolves and restart from that? Sorry if this doesn't help ^^' this is not helpfull for me

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