
I recently checked in my Memorial Garden to possibly add my wolf Lana. I received the "Sad News" mail when I logged in. My Memorial Garden is empty.
Earlier this year (In January), my wolf Airi died. Her name is available to add to the Memorial Garden.
The only difference between the two is that Lana never had pups.

not a bug. from the game guide:
"Once they pass away you have the option of putting them in your Memorial Garden and adding a special remembrance about them. If they have no offspring you will have 1 day to add them before they are deleted from the database so be quick about it."



Hi! How do I put my old wolf to sleep? I dont like her, but I want some use out of her. I dont want to let her free, bc I dont thing I'll get anything in that. Selling prob. take to long. Thanks to anybody that answers. Hope to hear back soon, The Fierce Wolves {Fierce}

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
The Fierce Wolves said: Hi! How do I put my old wolf to sleep? I dont like her, but I want some use out of her. I dont want to let her free, bc I dont thing I'll get anything in that. Selling prob. take to long. Thanks to anybody that answers. Hope to hear back soon, The Fierce Wolves {Fierce}
Go to your wolf's page then to 'manage your wolf' then to 'retire'. Use the retire wolf option to send your wolf to the Heavens, aka kill them. You will get one bone from doing so and will also be able to put her into your memorial garden.