Wolf (cat) - dark grey pelt / green eyes / black tail tip, paws, ears, and muzzle / white streak on chest, two white stripes on back paws (one on the black part, one on the grey part) / kits: Oak, Black, Silver / age: motherly young age
Oak (cat) - a young tom (male) cat, with two siblings. Has a brown pelt, with even darker stripes, and two bright, yellow, amber eyes. His muzzle is the same darker brown, and so is his front right paw, and striped tail.
Silver (cat) - a young She cat with pure white fur, and slightly gray tinted stripes, paws, and muzzle. Her eyes are a crystal clear, beautiful green. The tips of her ears are the same gray tinted white.
Black (cat) - a gray she cat with a white stripe on her chest, and tips of her ears. Her tail is striped with black, and tipped with white. Her paws are purely black. Her eyes are a light yellowish amber, like Oak.
Naita (lion) - a female lioness with light tan fur, strong, lean muscles under her skin, light green eyes, and a white chest. Has a son (Jackal).
Jackal (lion) - a 1 year old juvenile male lion, with the same light green eyes, and markings. His slight developing mane is a darker brown, edged with black on the ends.
Athena -
Artemis -
Apollo -
Rowan -
Bee -
Cliff -
Gemini -
Amaroq -
Kapugen -
Falcon -
Lei -
Shadeheart -
Crystal -
Cry of shadows -
Metals flame -
Waters fall -
Sunstone -
More will be added.
I need art for everything except for:
Metals flame
Waters fall
Please PM me if youd like to make a character(s). Only the described ones are available to do. EX: Wolf, Oak, Black, etc.