These are MY OCs
1. Please do not steal my characters. These are MY OWN characters that I have created by MYSELF.
2. Um, as for names, mine tend to be rather generic, but please do not steal a name that I have thought of, such as "Blaeze".
3. If you want to use a OC of mine for reference and reference only, PM me.
4. Do not on any circumstances, take my characters and alter them and claim they are yours. No.
Questions (or comments) and Answers
Q: "Why can't I use your characters?"
A: Because I've spent my time making these characters, thinking up different personalities, appearances, etc. It's not that simple.
Q: "Why are you posting your characters if I can't use them?"
A: Um, first of all, who said I was making characters for people to use them? This forum here is for my own reference, and for RPs, as well as any stories that I write in my Pack Blogs.
Q: "Why did you make this forum?"
A: My reasons are basically stated in the first two answers. Also, this is a place where I can remember my OCs without having to look through my hundreds of documents <- also, I don't have to leave WP to find it.
Q: "Why don't you post pictures of your OCs?"
A: Well I suck at art, so I hold contests for my OCs instead. Then, I ask for the creator's permission to be able to post their art work here.
Q: "Then why can't I see any?"
A: Because the first contest hasn't ended yet. Now chill and be patient.
C: "I don't like your characters!"
A: If you don't like them, then why are you reading through their descriptions? Furthermore, these are my OCs, and they're original in their own way. Don't like them still? That's your problem, not mine.
any other questions, PM me with the subject "OC Question"
Types of My OCs
This is a specific type of winged wolf who holds no supernatural or paranormal abilities. However, they have more physical and mental abilities and capacities comparatively to a typical winged wolf.
Raëfens usually have
more information coming
This specific type of winged wolf holds either the abilities to manipulate water/ice, fire or lightning. They also have the ability to create the illusion as if their wings aren't there, and can also create the smallest illusions in the fabric of time and space.
The easiest way to identify a Pulmäen is to look at their paws. If their right forepaw is a different color than the rest, this identifies them as this specific species.
A Pulmäen can swell to 7', but this is only happen if they force their wings to disappear. This is different than creating the illusion that their wings aren't there - the Pulmäen has to force their wings to shrunk and disappear - and this is physically taxing, so most of the Pulmäen don't do this.
more information coming