So some of you may remember that I had this idea at about 2am in the morning to rename all of my wolves after mods so I could then play Pack Life and sit back and see what happens.
I was encouraged to put it in the forums so we'll see how it goes...
Edit: I have now added Eve as a wolf
Desti sharpens their teeth on a bone.
Venus goes hunting and kills a rabbit.
(My personal favorite) Group nap!
Kodiak accidentally swallows a bug.
Vennenum tells stories to the young.
Shiro tackles Nova playfully.
Nova feels queasy and needs to lie down.
Mavi finds a nest of baby birds and eats them.
Desti yelps when a turtle snaps at them for poking it around.
Kodiak sneers at Suncadia.
Nova kicks dirt on Venus for not sharing their rabbit.
Vennenum eats grass.
Mistress Nyx jumps with joy.
Suncadia listens to Bigfoots snoring and covers its ears with paws.
Kodiak runs away from a snake.
Aven found 10 mushrooms!
Desti lifts their eyes to gaze at the star-lit sky.
Silly jumps with joy.
Shiro dances like no one can see them.
Vennenum found 10 mushrooms!
Vennenum found 10 mushrooms!
Aven tells stories to the young.
Shiro found 10 mushrooms!
Venus sassily walks past Mavi
Mavi curls up and takes a nap.
Shiro splashes Misstress Nyx in a nearby lake.
Venus found 10 mushrooms!
Venus found 10 mushrooms!
Vennenum found 10 mushrooms!
Venn gets stung by a bee.
Dash Attacked leaps over a fallen pine tree shrouded in lichens and moss, and hits the ground at a run.
Shiro trips over a sleeping Mavi
(And here ends the reign of Venn's productivity)
Vennenum gazes at the clouds.
Venus tries to impress Dash Attacked by bringing them a bone.
Desti digs a hole.
(And now for Eve's grand entrance)
Eve burps up a butterfly.
Group Hunt!
Group Hunt!
Mistress Nyx is moody and Venus tries to cheer them up but get slapped.
(This is getting a little long so I think I'll continue on the next page)