
Please do not post here unless you are part of this roleplay. Links Edited at November 14, 2023 03:17 PM by Crazydayz

Plot - In the year 2090 the first child was born with abnormal features. This child quickly went 'missing.' Later, the police claimed they died of natural causes. Over the years, despite the government trying to hide and 'dispose' of these children, more where born and survived. Some of these, escaped and managed to grow up into adults. The government has warrants put for their capture or disposal. The role-play focuses on a group of bounty-hunters targeting a runaway group of 'abnormals' trying to survive in the year 2125. The elder adults in the group, of the ages 18-30, are attempting to protect younger teenagers they've found of the ages 14-17.

Rules - 1. Obey all of Eve's rules. 2. I reserve the right to deny anybody's application forms or to kill off your character if you don't obey these rules / follow my requirements. You may be given 2 warnings then you're out. 3. Hate the character, not the player. Please talk any arguments out civily. Let me know if there is any issues with a particular person. 4. Please do your best to post 3-4 times a week with 300+ words. I want to keep this going for a good while. Hide the repeated number in the 'other' section of your sign-up. 5. You may have 2 characters max, and reserve 1 at a time. This is subject to change depending on demand. 6. There is a chance that your character could be badly injured or killed. This is a survival rp. 7. Don't be a Gary Stu, Mary Sue, Weeping Willow, etc. Your character won't be perfect. 7. Drama is encouraged in roleplay, but don't always be the one to start it. Please ask me if you are unsure. 8. Reservations last for two days. After that your spot will be reopened. You can add on a 24 hour extention. Just let me know before your reservation ends. 9. I may add rules at any stage if needed. 10. Have fun!

World information - As mentioned before, this is set in the year 2125. The part of the world this will likely take place in is somewhere in Europe. There is a corrupt goverment ruling over the country using propaganda and fear. The millitary patrol the streets with guns and violence. There is also a strict curfew of 11 o'clock put in place. Anybody suspected to be an abnormal will be shot on sight. The cities are very modern, having advanced technology. There are some robots even working as cashiers and waiters. - The countryside is more relaxed and safe. You're less likely to be in danger unless the military is passing by, but that only happens a few times a week unless they are training new recruits. The downside is that it is a lot less advanced in these areas, with a lot of the population being farmers. - Some of the rules in this country are that you are meant to report any potential abnormals. It's also illegal to dye your hair as you may be mistaken for an abnormal, being shot and killed. - The group of abnormals that we will be focusing on start out in an isolated forest until the bounty hunters begin pursuing them. They have a cozy camp with tents and food for everyone. Some of the adults will do the hunting when needed, or, even take very risky trips into a nearby village for extra supplies. - There is a safe country that boarders the one this group is in. They welcome abnormals as refugees when they come from any sort of places where their lives are threatened. Sure, there's still discrimination, but it's a lot better than dying.

About the abnormals - Abnormals are classified as people who look anyways different from the typical human. This typically falls into different hair colors, unnatural skin and eye colors, ears, horns, wings tails and other things like that. Some are even more anthropomorphic. - People may gain certain 'powers' associated with the animals they have traits of. It is nothing crazy, just extra strength, speed, and potentially flight if the person has wings. - The most common animals that people have traits of are non-extinct ones such as dogs, cats, wolves, deer, etc. There are a few fantasy or extinct animals that people have parts of, but it's more rare. They also don't have any magical or elemental features associated with them.

Roles - The protectors - Adult abnormals from the ages 18-30. They look after the younger teenagers and protect them. There is no set leader though some are naturally more likely to guide the rest. (6/7) Elara Grey Jenkins | F | 24 | Melanistic Siberian Tiger | Biologist at Work Xuni | F | 24 | Vampire bat | Matunda Sasha | F | 25 | Maine coon | Peaceful vengance Anwen | M | 19 | Owl | Raveneclipse Fawn | F | 22 | Deer | East mountainclan Zana | F | 24 | Dog | East Mountainclan - The fledglings - Teenagers taken in by the group for protection. They are between the ages of 14-17. Some have been in the group for a lot longer than the others. (6/6) {Closed} Alessandra | 15 | F | Dragon | Crazydayz Esprit | 14 | F | Cat | Moonlight wolf Valeria | 14 | F | Thylacine | The Night Walker Cryo | 16 | M | Bull | Drunken seas Fiona | 16 | F | Snake mix | Biologist at Work Ember | 14 | F | Red winged blackbird | Peaceful Vengence

Starting setting: - All members of the group except for Alessandra and Esprit (Not having joined yet) are in the camp. A patrol with Fawn and Elara are heading out to make sure the area is safe. (Let me know in discussion if your character is a fledgling who wants to tag along before the patrol leaves.) Time: Late Dawn Season: Mid summer Weather: Pleasantly warm with a light breeze.

Sasha | F | 25 | Maine coon | Mentions: None (open) Golden light lazily licked at the campsite casting dark shadows and giving the world a soft golden glow. Dawn was Shasha’s second favourite time of the day, a prelude of a fresh day ahead. A new day that would be filled with endless potential threats and dangerous situations that could harm her newfound family. It was another day of being vigilant and trying to pass on her knowledge to the kids so that they would survive without her one day. It was just another day, another exhausting day. When was the last time she relaxed? Sasha sighed, her hand finding it’s way into her bedhead as shook it out into its typical fluffy mane. She didn’t have time to think like that right now, she didn’t have time to relax, not here, not until she knew that her family were safe. Not until she knew that these kids would be okay without her. Groggily, Sasha uncurled herself from the shallow “nest” in the ground she had taken to sleeping in. Sure she could rest somewhere more comfortable, but here in the open her enhanced senses would wake her is someone tried to approach the camp during the night. She yawned, and stretched her arms upwards feeling her shoulders give a satisfying pop. In her body, she could feel the exhaustion, knots in her muscles, the aches of her joints and the soft whispers of pain through her whole body. No, she hadn’t slept enough again, but she never seemed to get a full nights rest, thanks to her restless tossing and night terrors. At least she didn’t wake up screaming. Absent mindedly, her hands found there way to her hair again as Sasha wondered across the camp. Best feed the hoard she thought to herself, as she crouched down in front of the food stock and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Sasha began to dig through the half empty sacks of food. The stores were running dangerously low. Perhaps I should take out a hunting party to check my traps or take a trip into the local town. She would discuss it, with the other protectors of the group after everyone had finished their morning responsibilities. From the depths of the bag, Sasha collected a selection of crackers, cheese, berries, and hard dried meat. It wasn’t the best breakfast, she would of much rather of provided everyone with something fresher, but it would keep the group from starving. “Breakfast here” she shouted gesturing at the small spread she had laid out and separated into portions in front of her.

Esprit (Whisp) | F | 14 | | Cat | Mentions: Alessandra Esprit tickled Beast under the chin as she waited for Sandy. Her ginger cat purred happily. Her ears twitched, the faint sound of a rustle coming from the forest. Again. A sound she kept hearing bit it was just the birds or mice or other creatures. Probably just the wind this time. - All morning, Esprit had a feeling of being watched. She knew she was being paranoid but part of her felt scared. After her last close encounter with hunters, her mind kept imagining, wandering off. - Pushing a strand of black hair, Esprit looked around, her green eyes narrowing at the movement from the bushes. A small rabbit hopped out, caught sight of Beast, ginger fur standing up, teeth bared, and shot off in the opposite direction. Esprit let out a sigh. A sigh she hadn't realised she had been holding in. Golden sunlight danced around on the forest floor. It was a beautiful day and Esprit couldn't even enjoy it. She watched a clump of bluebells nod their heads in the breeze, which slightly ruffled Esprit's hair. She put up a hand to her head to fix her hair. Beast meowed. Esprit looked down. What was wrong? - Her cat set off behind her. Sandy, she thought to herself. The one friend she had made in, perhaps, her entire life. The one person she trusted, another person her cat trusted. Which was surprising. Beast was more of an aggressive cat, harder to earn his trust. - Esprit bent down and picked up a stick. Not too muddy. Poking around the bushes for a few minutes, mind wandered again. Rustle. Startled, she jumped to her feet. Just a magpie. Not believing she could stop thinking about being found, Esprit set off after Beast to Sandy. Edited at November 15, 2023 01:26 PM by Moonlight wolf

Elara Jenkins | F | 24 | Melanistic Tiger | Mentions: Sasha (dir), Whisp (dir), Open! - The sun had started to rise a little while ago, its light rays shining through the young woman's sleeping space and into her eyes. A few nights ago she had made herself a small, almost hut-like area for her to stay in. Its outside was built from long branches and sticks and was covered in a layer of wet mud that had dried so it kept the sticks together. The mud has moss and other vegetation growing on it at the moment, it gives the being living inside it (In this case, Elara) have a feeling of living almost underground. Elara was not a morning person whatsoever, she was usually the protector in the group to stay asleep until absolutely needing to wake up. In this case she just needed to, the light breeze of the morning was brushing through her hut, it had to be a beautiful day outside... The woman yawned and sat up in her bed of soft green moss, her eyes still adjusting to the light of the morning. The first thing that caught her attention was the smell of food and Sasha's call for breakfast. It was amazing to her on how some beings could wake up this early and have enough energy to make an entire camo breakfast. After a few minutes of fixing her hair up into a long dutch braid and fixing up her clothing the female crawled out of her hut and into the forests scenery. Birds were chirping, the sun was radiating off of her dark skin and the breeze was quite relaxing. From what it looked like, most of the camp was still asleep, great. She had woken up earlier than she meant to. Elara made her way over to the two people that were already awake, she gave a sleepy wave the them and yawned. "Good morning you two, sleep well?" She looked between the both of them with a small smile on her face. She looked to Sasha and nodded to the food she had prepared, "It smells great, thank you for doing that.".