Nope Ive been waiting for PMs back or some fort of notice i was going to start it winter 2 if there was no replies
Okay I'll post the wolves here
You can private sale to me as i have over 30+ den spaces
I'll put them up privately now ^^
Im hoping i can round up apples to make a just gen 1 folder *^* I love organizing it XD
PSA: After this auction and I give the profit made from the wolves that were bidded on and if there is wolves that needed to be returned I will do so but I am no longer going to be apart of the WP raiding, thought I would give everyone a heads up and be acknowledged before the auction ended. <3 Happy Raiding
Thanks for the heads up Vio ^^ I'm sorry it didn't go as well as planned, I think I may do one more round next spring to find a decent female and just go for G2 pups
Sorry guys, I'm also gonna have to sit out the raiding for the near future. Got some RL issues popping up and wont be on enough to get the mush for raiding :( But good luck to you all!
If anyone gets a HW hero G1 female with a boost let me know, I'm just gonna settle for a female instead of hunting for a G1 male with a boost and defect